understanding 42

tell me people please what is so great about 42 just a number to me like
all the rest what does 42 have to do with the 3 trinity or the 4 edge timecube

how long will it be before we send this kid down the river?

All we can do is get out of the way while he sends himself.

Maybe he’s a big Jackie Robinson fan.

If you’ve read Douglas Adams with his Hitchhiker’s guide, you’ll notice that 42 is the answer of all questions, it’s solution for all problems and if you know this you know everything ; )

Outside the book I don’t see anything special in it.

Geez, and just as I was about to post a 3 page treatise on the significance of 42… Adams woulda’ been proud. You guys go and screw it up. :stuck_out_tongue:


As usual the problem lies with insufficient education; a direct result from lack of experts. The depths of the question of “42” remain hidden. It is obvious that from an impartial reading of the encyclopedia that there are what is called “loose ends” in respect to this question.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Answer … Everything

But Jerry’s profound observation reveals one of the missing ingredients that ties it all together. What is lacking is the tenacity, will, and physical skills of Jackie Robinson to bring it to a head. This is why the Illuminati insisted that Jackie robinson wear number 42.


From you that sounds like a serious response. I really can’t tell.

and knowone explaining how?

What’s to explain? He broke the color barrier. And was a damn fine player to boot.

42 was also the favorite number of the writer of alice in wonderland and through the looking glass (the name escapes me for a moment)

anyways, it has a number of remarkable things about it

for example:
it’s the number of ways in which you can form 10 by adding up (if i remember correctly)
and there’s more, but i forgot…

(yes, it’s late on this side of the globe)

Lewis Carrol, I think, was the author’s name. He apparently also wrote a lot of books on formal logic.

He also had one of the largest child porn collections of the 19th century as well. So, much for logic.

Is that so?! :astonished: So much for books and covers. :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

the number 42 shows up quite a bit in my everday life. I notice at work it’s common for people to ask questions of me at 2:42. I started reading this post at 8:21 which is half of 42.

the number of man (6) times the number of god (7) = 42.