Understanding the Will to Power.

A bit from my book I want to make sure of:


Hierophant. Is the title of your book “Nietzsche, According to Freud”?

The will to power is not a defense mechanism, it is motive.

Except the Will to Power makes sense only as a defense mechanism, though probably not the way you think.

The Will to Power is what allows us to dominate and control things. The only reason this could be is to provide us with what we need to stay alive and keep dangerous things under control. Thus, it is a defense mechanism, though the defense it provides is really pre-emptive aggression.

Can we replace the word “power” with the word “survival”, please?

Also, an interesting idea about the artistic expressions being a form of sublimation. :wink:

Except it’s not. There’s a distinct difference - “power” is necessary for “survival”, but they are not the same

So, agression is defensive now?
I don’t think so. You can’t change the meaning of a word that drastically.

You’re the author. I’ll think the way you tell me to. Why use the phrase if it’s not really what you mean?

Defensive agression is defensive, yes. Pre-emptive agression for a defensive reason - to stay alive.

And humans naturally/instinctively do allot of dis-empowering things for the sake of survival.

I’m with Dan~ on this. This is way more compicated than it has to be.

They do a lot of controlling things, yes.

Greed is a form of self-defence?
When wars happen, I suppose each power hungery basterd is getting so defensive that they agressively & imperialistically defend someone else’s resources & try to take them away.

Yes, greed is self-defense. He who is greedy with food will have more of it: precisely the reason why many scientists believe obestiy is a genetically inherited trait now.

Submission towards the societly/whole is not a form of control, it is a form of being controlled, for the sake of survival.

But who is actually doing the controlling?

The individual. He controls himself to better his survivability in society.

Okay, to you:
Greed & Agression are “defensive” forms of hoarding to secure the uncertain future of the individual.

It doesn’t fit well into the original meaning of the word, but I believe you’ve changed the meaning of more then one word so that it could fit into the idea of: “The will to power”.

One more quote within a quote and we’ll all see God, and then we won’t have to worry about this anymore.

Hierophant. Revaluing all values is not the same thing as taking every paired opposite one can extract and simply reversing them.

I’ve only explained what I feel is the mechanism behind the Will to Power. It must serve a purpose. Thus, the only purpose agression can serve is that of securing the needs and desires of the self. Which would fit perfectly with Nietzschean self-overcoming: directing the Will to Power towards self-improvement.

I’m not simply reversing them. I’m showing that not only are agression and defense not opposites, they are really two aspects of the same thing.

Yez, survival, even if it means a dis-empowering submission.