(..a chic geek -all thoughts are my own-)
I think this ‘understanding’ or lack thereof can apply to some professions but not all, as some will be reliant on a bigger picture whilst others will deem total specialisation in that field.
I’d say there’s some baby and bathwater stuff happening with your answer. Of course a surgeon is the one to go for surgery. Though the surgery itself might be a when you are a hammer you see nails everywehre kind of thing, but that’s not an issue I want to press yet. A surgeon might be one of the last people to ask about problems related to mind and emotions. In fact I would tend to avoid them on those subjects, even though they also have to do with the body, at least for physicalists. I think Dragon is shooting at a certain kind of understanding, or at least suggesting that specialization may necessitate important gaps in the kind of understanding people seek (in philosophy, I will add as a kind of guess/triangulation attempt)
Also I think it is true what he begins with. Observing cats alone without observing other mammals will likely lead to missing quite a few things. Of course most biologists, even feline experts, whatever they are called, will have studied other mammals, but it wouldn’t surprise me that once they’ve entered their speciality and the research world, they may not go and watch canines, when studying a specific pattern in felines. And it might be worth their while.
Feynman is also not the best example for you case, since, well, he was a bongo player and a hell of a lot of things outside of being a physicist. My sense is that he distinguished himself in this area, and then also as a physicist. Perhaps there is a connection.
No, dragon is shooting at understanding, full stop. (I’ve added a new post expanding on the topic.) The thing is, that understanding is just an aspect of a much bigger problem and if that problem is addressed, and that would imply that people develop a preference for understanding over knowledge, then there would be no need for surgeons. In other words, we only need surgeons BECAUSE we do not UNDERSTAND enough.
Do you mean that you bet it was a doctor and not a surgeon? Or is a surgeon a doctor for this purpose? I dunno what you’re betting me man. I went to one of these places in a fancy part of town that mainly does plastic surgery botox and tit jobs and cosmetic dentistry. A friend of mine’s wife is a surgeon there and hooked it up for $300 anesthesia and all.
Having insurance is definitely relevant to me being a doped up zombie. If a doctor talks to me for more than a few minutes about something other than a specific thing like a surgery or something, they usually end up trying to shove a ton of meds down my throat and calling me crazy. I had a bastard prescribe me remeron once and just tell me it for was for sleep, I took some and almost died in my hallway the shit is like a death pill. I read online later that it’s something they use to get junkies off drugs or something. I guess this asshole just looked at me and talked to me and decided for himself that I needed some kinda detox meds and gave em to me under false pretenses without even asking me if I was on drugs. Fucking crazy man. I’m not a doctor but jesus christ. I’d crashed this motorcycle really badly and when I got out of the hospital and all these people were like you got some ptsd you need to talk to this guy and that guy and they just started throwing so much dope at me I couldn’t sell enough of it not to be spazzed out. I mean crazy shit. Doctors will try to wreck your motherfucking life. At least the drug dealers are honest, and for the most part competent about what their substances will do to you.
Where i come from the better student will do a broad research on their own, what no books or teacher can teach them, their own real life experience, to get inspired from real life.
To say that they know “nothing” is absolutely absurd, though many professionals only have a very limited understanding of their professions, and in most cases falls short of solving simple problems because they only studied the outdated school books, and dit not gain updated knowledge on their own.
As being in the quality departmen in a newspaper i’ve seen many terrible highly educated people, only few of them got fired, mostly because there were no one to replace them, getting new people could sometimes be even worse, so you know what you got, you don’t know what you get.
That may be that you have gained infinitive wisdom and insight, but then your findings must make sense, go along logic and reason as modern western philosophy does.
Your postulations always leaves me baffled and not with any kind of logically explenation that makes sense to me or most other on the boards here.
The world isn’t as it is, it’s how I see it, If I see that I understand things that others don’t it’s because I choose to understand those things while recognizing that others don’t, and I realize I’m being somewhat axiomatic.
If you understand without any logic or reason, it’s self suggestion.
It’s a reasonable request in a philosophy forum to ask that another peson explains their way to understand something, to share their wisdom, so that other may also be enlighten.