untitled poem 23Oct. 2006

the flowing

the water
it is made

and the sound
our ears invent
for us as it
passes by

independent parts
utterly complete
in their own own-ness
–like any trinity
be it christian
or freudian (et. al.)–

greater than the illusion
of the whole they appear
to be subordinate to

I like this… very interesting conception of the whole being greater than its parts.


Thanks very much thirst – positive feedback from you is greatly appreciated in light of the high regard I have for you and the caliber of your poetry.

lhw – AKA: The Straight-faced Clown AKA: M.C. Tapes-Hiss

It has been said that the greatest problem for religion or philosophy is how to unite the One and the Many. I think you do this well.

Thanks Ierrellus. Yeah, I believe in the holistics of all things, but not in a vacuous, new-agey way. The many are just multiplicities of one. However, there are individuals – unique identities that cannot be duplicated but, conversely, they are not isolated and solopsistic entities either but, rather, symbiotic interdependent beings. The idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts bothers me a little b/c the parts that make up the greater whole are whole in and of themselves as well, just on a smaller scale.

lhw – AKA: The Straight-faced Clown AKA: M.C. Tape-Hiss