
A different sort of work… what do you think?

tag it on a train, and then take a picture of it.

well it depends, how did you make it?

Microsoft Paint.

It looks time consuming…how did you get the texture to be that way? It looks like thousands of tiny black and white circles.

There’s a tool that makes a single-width 45 degree line (so all the dots are at corners to each other) and I used that to make a checker-board type of pattern when I first made the design. Then I stretched it out and got filled and outlined squares out of it.

It was… incredibly time-consuming. But I was bored.

Well then you get mad points for the effort, the result looks pretty clean to…but for whatever reason it doesn’t appeal to me.

That’s fine too, it’s not a real serious artwork. It might appeal more if you knew the connotations of the word Untitled that my friends and I have given it… sorry, it’s really hard to explain what it is in a few words so I’m not gonna try.

No worries :wink:
Everyone seems to have their own inside words that are meaningful to them in a way no-one else can understand.