
Imagine a perfect copy of yourself put in the exactly same situation as yourself, from the very beginning. Every event, individuals, settings, etc. is a duplicate. Is there a possibility that the duplicate will turn out with a different mentallity, hence making different decitions and have a different outcome in life.

I can’t come to find any reason why he/she would make any uniqe decition.

I know this is a bit vague, but… guess i just have to think more :unamused:

Why was this topic moved from the philosophy forum?

It’s not exactly a question of philosophy, or at least it’s not a concise one. My take on the question: sure it’s possible that given the exact same circumstances, one could have a different outcome. Provided that the world isn’t predestined, and we have some freewill, a certain random element could reasonably be expected to creep into our behavior.

The question implies that the world is predestined up til now. There would be no random elements differing from what you have percieved until now.
As I see it, the only possibility for a change is that the copy makes a different decition based upon free will, but there must be a reason behind why the copy would in that case make a different choice.

p.s. Having a hard time expressing myself as of yet, but trying to improve thisl.

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Tolstoy had a quote in War and Peace which went: “Givin that man is placed into the exact same circumstances and that he has the exact same character he will undoubtedly make the same choice, one thousand out of one thousand times.”