Update on Pinnacle of Reason

It has been many years since I joined ILP and indeed many of my old comrades have left ILP. I myself have been banned twice for identifying and attacking the international jewish conspiracy’s role in the racial chaos in our modern world.

Now, for those who remain. I have found employment in an investment bank. I no longer read philosophy and whoever is reading is should give it up because it is rubbish written by old men. The important point to realise about philosophers is that they are all mortal like us, and indeed their experience is also a human experience. What are you trying to get out of reading books by humans? Nothing transcendental comes out of what is inherently physical. All word playing.

For religion, it is a load of crap. I don’t believe christians are any morally superior than a wage earner. A christian does good because of the reward in heaven. while a wage earner does good because of the reward in his bank account. the christian thinks he got more, but then he can’t cash in his reward until he dies! it is like saying, i’ll pay you 1 billion dollars but you have to die first. how stupid is that, yet people believe in it.

In my dealings with the world, i have complete lost faith in humanity. What we call humanity is merely represented by a group of men and we merely bask in their talent. it has to do with sports psychology, too many losers to deal with.


Good to hear from you, PoR.

I agree with much of your post. Philosophy is bullshit, god is dead, Jews are troublesome (and generally ugly), and religion is an opiate for the masses.

I have too lost faith in humanity although I will always retain my marxist leanings. Anyone who isn’t a communist is a mistake waiting to be over. I sincerely mean this. There are two ways for this to happen: execute them, or let them die naturally. The only thing left to do is wait.

Good work on getting the job at the bank. I would rob you in the blink of an eye and leave you for dead, but never would I resent your will to power, despite how wrong you might be. It is every man for himself, PoR, and I wish you the best.

Just for old time’s sake… I’m gonna argue with everything you said like we used to do.

The Jews are not responsible for the problems in the Middle East, the UN (I think) is for giving them Israel back after WWII and taking land away from people in that region very much by force.

Some humans are smarter than others and are worth listening to, philosophy has a point, and without it life is pointless. As for myself, I don’t read much philosophy, I just engage in it.

Religion’s not a load of crap, any Christian with half a brain realizes that God will see through Pascal’s wager and actually do good for others because they like to help others, not to get a bigger crown when they die. Also, your analogy is flawed, because the billion dollars is earthly, so when you die you lose any connection to it you had. Heaven is supposed to be beyond the earthly realm and therefore accessible to you once you die.

Congratulations on losing faith in humanity though. Soon you’ll realize the best way to live is with high hopes but low expectations. You’ll feel optimistic but in reality when the worst happens you won’t be surprised or depressed.

I for one am glad to hear from you again, PoR. It’s good to see you’re doing well.

At least no one felt sorry for you :laughing:

Rather than Jewish, I’d go for zionist Talmud inspired leadership. The majority of Jewish people aren’t privy to this conspiracy and have been among the main victims over time. I sincerely hope they will take this matter into their own hands. In fact, let us commend those Jewish people who have already spoken up.
