Well, there’s always the intellectual love of God…
As you will observe here, although women are indeed handy, they are not necessary for an intellectual understanding of the universe. This intellectual understanding takes precedence over anything else, and is as difficult as it is rare.
Welcome to the Mundane Romance Channel. Tonight we talk to Sally.
Dear Sally,…
Oh, um, sorry, unoriginal, I think I was channeling.
Anyway, back to the pooch. You waited too long. I wasn’t kidding when I told you to get back in there, fast. Yes, you came on too strong, well all knew that, but you still had a window of opportunity before landing in the friend zone.
So, what did she mean by you ‘should be friends?’ Exactly that. You waited too long. At least you still have your hand. You might need it.
Seriously, she probably experienced this same attitude from her ex-whatevers. So when you laid it on, she retreated. You had to go back in there immediately to bring her back. You played.
Come on real, this girl is the complete package. Very cost effective. She doesn’t drink. I know, I know, your dad does wine. But you are not going to take his wine to every place you go to eat. And you don’t risk having a potential drunk on your hand (man, this hand gets around), although, it would be quite hard to talk her into certain stuff. She is not too aesthetically oriented (remember the flowers?). You can save money in the long run. This is all good stuff. I know you are not ready for a real relationship, and by the looks of things, you are still working some kinks out, but…
I was gonna go into that whole cultural east meets west with its attendant implications, but let’s keep this simple.
Be the best friend you can be. Take mental notes. Learn about her. Learn about her culture. Her motives. How she operates (speculative grandeur can only take you so far). Even if you don’t get her in the end, this will go a long ways in improving your game.
Here’s to friendship. Good luck.
This is an all-too-familiar story. She loves him, he cheats on her, she wants him back, etc, etc., ad nauseum. She’s been damaged. What she really needs is to take a long break to clear her head. (this is where you, as friend, come in)
If what she says is true, then even if you’ll eventually manage to become her bf in the near future, you will be her rebound. She will use you to patch her wound or avenge her boyfriend, then, dump you as soon as he pulls back on her strings. In the end, you’ll lose.
I say, drop her like a hot potato (romantically) before you get hurt.
She’s saying she’s a slut with no self-esteem.
Bail… get the fuck out of dodge… forget about her… dump her like a bad habbit…
This is a no-win… to actually come back from a statement like “I like you but I still am in love with my ex-boyfriend. We should be friends.” requires an act of god… or fantastic patience and/or manipulation…
Not worth the truble, if you ask me…
Even if you do get her anytime soon (which is highly unlikely) you’re going to be taking on all the issues she has with the other dude…
Cut and run dude… at least expectation wise… you can still be friends… but abandon all hope of romance… maybe try again in a few years if you are still friends and you are both single…
P.S. If you find yourself unable to give up hope… and still carry around feelings for her… then do yourself a favor and stop talking to her alltogether…
Yeah, dude. Bail. Run away. She still wants the dude who cheated on her. She’s a waste of time.
Don’t listen to these people, they speak wisdom. I highly doubt we are ready for that at this point. This seems like a great learning experience. Painful, excruciating learning experience. But still a learning experience. This is the next level in your game. The art of friendship. Not just the art of friendship, but the art of friendship after you were shot down.
You say you want another chance. Come on, dude, do you really? Let me ask you something; are you, in general, a very competitive person? Not one to find yourself on the losing side of the isle?
Anyway, back to bailing: It just seems like such a strong word … bailing. You immediately see this little guy, wheels spinning, hair on fire, flying out of dodge at break neck speeds. I doubt that’s what you should do at this point. Setting your hair on fire doesn’t strike me as a wise decision. I mean, as far as the relationship aspect goes, yes, forget about that prospect. Just don’t drop the whole friendship aspect.
So, you may ask why I am pushing for this whole friendship aspect when you could easily find any girl on the street and become friends; well, I’ll tell you … right after these messages.
Temperance. Yes, my friend, restraint. Why? Well, since you seem to obsess about a girl you’ve barely known, perhaps getting used to them in a less intimate/intense manner might help quell that particular quirk. And again, there is much learning, here. No, I don’t mean at ILP, well, maybe, um, no, I mean, in that particular friendship. All you’ll get at ILP is mere speculation, at your own expense (and for that, we, okay, I thank you), you have to live this stuff out.
Okay, I was just kidding with that whole mere speculation part, I would imagine most of the contributions here at ILP are based on life experiences. Yes, unoriginal, it’s possible some of these people know this girl. Now it’s up to you to figure out who.
Yeah, painful is right. Stay with this slut and allow feelings to be there, only pain will come. You will kick yourself afterwards, and you will learn not to fall for sluts like this anymore.