Well one’n’all a new Forum style is now available for selection if you have grown bored with our ‘subSilver’ look. So if you want to start a new life in the wonderful world of the Dusty Green then you’ll need to be logged in then the following must be done:
On the main ‘I Love Philosophy’ forum menu select the ‘Profile’ option from the top of the page. Once your user profile is loaded go to the options near the bottom and look for the one called ‘Board Style:’ this will be set to ‘subSilver’. Click on the combo-box and a list of styles will be displayed, currently there’s only two ‘subSilver’ and ‘DustyGreen’. Select ‘DustyGreen’ then scroll to the bottom of the page and press the submit button. Hay-presto!
I’m liking it much better. The green, grey, and black makes it much easier on the eyes. Did I mention that I love the ‘newly pointed out to me’ NAVIGATION bar!?! That thing is so cool, sorry it’s my 12 year old ‘I found a new cool thing’ side of me coming out. Plus, I think the style puts a very contemporary and futuristic feel to philosophy - which is quite interesting.
The only thing I would change is to add the private message link to the actual webpage…only because it shows you “You have 1 message…” and you know whether to check or not - it saves you clicking. However, if its just in the navigation bar then you have to spend time and energy on checking and clicking to see if you have a message or not.
So long as you’re always logged in you can see how many unread private messages and the subject line of them on the main ILP homepage, not the forum page the actual ILovePhilosophy.com It’s on the left hand side in the ‘Private Inbox’ section.
Yeah, it depends what resolution your screen is set at. 1027xanything is the best way to view the DustyGreen site. The picture at the top is actully about 1280x100 in size, so if view at a small res will look slightly different. At 800x600 Nizt. is almost completely in the right part of the screen and the I Love Philosophy is mostly hidden. Unforutitly that’s just life