i noticed that some people here have some rather odd usernames and i was jsut wondring what you’re user names means/why you chose it
mine is persistAnt memory backwards
how about you?
i noticed that some people here have some rather odd usernames and i was jsut wondring what you’re user names means/why you chose it
mine is persistAnt memory backwards
how about you?
dulcet means sweet sounding
I chose the name because it’s kind of unlike me and also because it is unique.
Bessy sounded like an old fart, and then I looked it up on Urban Dictionary and it is hot mama. Your subconsious mind is a funny thing, eh?
I picked mine because I already knew how to spell it.
Besides, “someoneisatthedoor” was already taken.
I suppose I could have written it backwards.
Xun Zi is my favourite Confucian philosopher and Xunzi-ian looks silly, so I removed the double-i’s. Xunzian.
It’s all Greek to me…
How do you pronounce ‘faust’? I’ve heard several different pronunciations and I was wondering if you or the Maine-ers had a variation.
I’d pronounce his screename as “fauw-st,” but I grew up in the Midwest.
Mine is just a simple bit of wordplay — sounds like…? [ [size=84]Tabula Rasa spotted it straight away[/size] ]
[size=200]Oh Feck !![/size]
* A quick search revealed this little pink-haired-twat !! *
I have been called Forrest, Fawst, Fouts, Fonz, Franz, Fist (the literal translation), Feast, Fast, Fester (my favorite) and any other name that begins with an “F” and contains some manner of sibilance.
It’s not easy being me.
my name can translate to: one ultimate
so basically the supreme being or the human thats above the rest.
I live in Oxford and my name is will… when I first came to ILP I was called ‘OxfordWill’. Some idiot, knowing Oxford only as a university, considered this to be an arrogance for a philosophy board; so to placate his incessant nagging I changed it to OxfordBrookesWill (Oxford Brookes being my actual university) to mock him. He didn’t get it, so it then got shortened to OBW.
I was an active anarchist for several years.
Lived underground, didn’t pay taxes, no bank account,
no car, got paid in cash, I even went to the world anarchist
convention in San Francisco, in 198_ something. Strange days,
let me tell you. anyway, After some thought, I realised
anarchism is the future, to work for a future that is
maybe hundred of years away, seemed …silly. So I reevaluated
my commitment to anarchism. I am now a liberal,
but well within the system. I still love Kropotkin’s
writings and his autobiography. Today, I would would
probably pick something with Goethe’s name or
book title or something like that.
Old Gobbo is an obscure character in the Merchant of Venice – the father of Young Gobbo/Lancelot, who is the comic relief/court Jester in the play.
He’s also blind.
The underscore is there because I didn’t think the code allowed a space and I simply didn’t check to find out.
Die leiden des Jungen Kropoktins?
DLDJK? TSOYK? Hmmm, TSOYK looks more like a real name. I’d go with that.
You could be the new SIATD.
Xunzian: Die leiden des Jungen Kropoktins?
DLDJK? TSOYK? Hmmm, TSOYK looks more like a real name. I’d go with that.
You could be the new SIATD."
K: a couple of quistion? First, TSOYK? WTF.
And what makes you think I want to be the NEW SIATD?
I’m guessing the english title for “Die Leiden des Jungen Werters” is translated as “The Sorrows of Young Werter” TSOYW, TSOYK.
As for being the new SIATD . . . well, how doesn’t want their name to be all in screaming CAPS. Forces people to snap to attention, you know
Daybreak is an English translation of Nietzsche’s Die Morgenröte (The Dawn), so the name is, first, a tribute to him; second, I like the destructive character of Day-break; third, I like the notion that each day marks a new beginning, a genesis of all existence.
Mr. Kebop…originates from Mr. Kebab…
Which means absolutely nothing.
BTW http://www.ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=150266