Using philosophy for evil...

I’m going mad.

I see people, stupid people, getting girls, having success in life, being loved.

I’m smart, I study morality, I study philosophy heavily. It is my major in school. I recently realized that I can use this to trick people and obtain any carnal desire I could possibly imagine.

I’m so SICK of not getting this INTRINSIC SATISFACTION that everyone “supposedly” gets from philosophy!! Damn it!! I want some sex, some popularity, and some RESULTS without all of this goddam patience!!

I’m really, really tempted to turn to a path of darkness. I’ve tried to argue for absolute moral truth and I just can’t win. Is it really there? If not, then we were decived by those who KNOW that it is not there, whilst they have been using our kindness as a springboard for their own benefit. In essence, if there is no absolute moral truth, THEY are winning. I HATE losing, and I want to be on the winning side.

Someone, please help me. I cannot find inner peace. I lie awake for hours every night thinking of all of the wrongs that have been done to me. How NONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO WRONGED ME HAVE EVER FELT GUILT OR RECEIVED “KARMA” OR REPURCUSSIONS, AND I BECOME ABSOLUTELY ENRAGED!!! I can’t stand it anymore!!! I need to fight this!!!

Those people who don’t know the things I do, who go about their lives thoughtlessly- THEY THINK THEY’RE DOING BETTER THAN I AM!!! It drives me insane!!! Arggggggggggggggh!!! This whole time I could have been using my intelligence to get whatever I want, and NOW THEY’RE WAY AHEAD OF ME!!!

My head, it burns so badly. I feel so much pain. I just can’t handle this anymore!!!

If you “trick” people into linking you, they will still feel the positive emotion of “liking”. If you feel you have to consider the feeling of others for its own sake, and call pure selfishness “evil”, you can still come up with a selfishness that do others good. On an intellectual level I personally don’t care about the feelings of others (Although I’m not above the human emotion of empathy). Still I think that my actions bring much more pleasure than pain to the people I affect. Who wants to suround himself with unhappy, unaccomplished people anyway? You want to make people happy so they in turn can make you happy. You want to help people be accomlished, so that they in turn are able to help when you are in need.

I often look at the world as a game. I study the rules, and figure out how best to act for my own advantage. If someone “wrongs” me, it’s just another rule in the game and nothing to get emotionaly enraged over (unless it helps your situation) – just another factor to try to understand and do something about. Change whatever you can change, and try to ignore what you can do nothing about.

Morals are not absolute, they are not “real”. But they are often valuable guidelines. Society has thrived on these morals because they, to a large extend, actually work. “Do not murder” is a good general rule, that should very seldom have to be broken. Because if you break it, you are likely to suffer the consequences. Morals are no more absolute than the consequence of breaking them.

I would say go for it!. Turn “evil”, use philosophy to your own advantage. If your understanding of the world is sound, you will quickly surpass the ones you now envy. However, if you think that this have to come at the cost of a general loss for other people, I would recheck my understanding of the world. Not because there’s a problem with there being a net-loss. But because what you think is selfish, may not be the most selfishly beneficial act after all – then again, it could be that it is.

the “path of darkness” is only as real as the “path of light”…

once the democratic mob understands that they can “vote” themselves money via taxes, theft becomes legal… thieves calling others the evil rich…

then stop playing their game…


The answer is to eat, drink and be merry.

Hume was pretty smart and everybody loved him.

All the eating and drinking did help Hume to become one of the biggest men in philosophy.


Avoid the temptation to become monstrous in order the defeat the monsters.

EDIT: Avoid this because if you do not then you force others into the same position that you now must endure.

i wonder if theres any correlation between your wanting to be the best/happiest (whatever) and your belief in some absolute truth or morality etc.

I will tell you what I believe in, because I think you need some desperate help. You don’t have to agree, just consider it.

I tend to lean towards the eastern way of thought. Where we are all connected as one consciousness. Stay with me. You are only 1 very, very, very small piece of the pie (or consciousness). You are the way you are because you chose to be that way. You are supposed to be the way you are. All of the stupid people you speak of are there for a reason, too. Without their very, very, very small piece of the pie the whole isn’t complete. Just like without your very unique small piece, it isn’t complete either.

You say you want sex. I say think with your other head! Yes sex is good, but does it really matter whether or not you get sex? What does it change? And after your done having sex, will that fulfill you completely or will you just go back to needing more sex? Sounds like a boring cycle to me. It is only another experience we indulge ourselves in because we desire pleasure as human beings. I think you can associate this same “cycle-theory” with most of the problems your having. Let all the other “stupid” people worry about money and fame (even these get old after a while, believe it or not) and let you worry about your own path. The most logical thing to do is to not think about it. I know this may sound ridiculous to you, but not thinking helps a lot sometimes.

You chose to be this way, so hang on for the ride because its rough. Nobody said it was going to be easy.


My advice will depend on your age. This is something I would need to know before I gave my counsel.

Also, there’s a tip jar over there by the door, in case you were wondering.


If you really think you can.

People don’t realize what kind of of power philosophy holds. Evil power. That’s where lawyers get their evil power.

No, there will be no justice, you basically fucked because of who you are.

But it remains to be seen whether or not you actually enjoy being evil. Can you do it? Can you keep a straight face when you’re manipulating and tricking people?

Greetings Ade,
In considering your post and assuming you to be an honest, good-hearted, humanitarian; I have the following to contribute to the discussion…

You’re not going mad but you are having trouble assimilating to society. I too had and still continue to have trouble assimilating. It appears that there are some people who are simply born with the attitude ‘whatever, its the life I have been given so lets live it’, meanwhile, some others - perhaps like you were born with an attitude in contrast to the previous one, perhaps something like ‘I see life to be like this, but I feel that life could be so much more and I seek to change it’. Some people call this a hero complex, you may want to analyse yourself and the girlfriends you have had, it usually means you look for girls who need help.

I see similar things to the ones you have mentioned. It seems that girls like to be treated the way creeps treat them, the ‘no care’ attitude is a chick magnet, and you wonder why is it that the nice guys don’t get the hot girls. Many answer that it’s too easy, people want a challenge. You may be familiar with Nietzsche will to power, which is another possibility.

My advice to you is to be that which you hate…patient. Your present pain is a learning process, you must learn what to watch out for. Those guys who get the girls are your learning books, study hard. Don’t become them, be yourself, but when the time comes YOU WILL get that beautiful girl, but keeping her will depend on how well you learn prior to getting her. Everything in life is a learning process, no matter how good or how bad. The more you learn the more you will be equiped with the right radar for picking the right girl who you can trust, love, and share the rest of your life with. Otherwise, you will go from one bad relationship to another.

You are obviously down, but saying the following doesn’t help…

I hope you don’t mind me saying so, but this is a desperate plea to help your own ego up. You are above such conceded claims, those who are smart do not go around claiming to be, those who are moral don’t go around claiming to be, and it isn’t true that you use philosophy to obtain ANY CARNAL DESIRE YOU CAN POSSIBLY IMAGINE. If we are to have an intellectual conversation we will have to drop the ego talk. I understand your frustration and believe me when I say I associate with what you have said in the post in more ways than you would believe.

You stated:

I’m not religious but my response to you comes from Christian teachings. Abraham was told by God to kill his own son in order to prove his faith in God. Abraham agreed and was about to kill his son when God stopped him, for he saw that Abraham’s faith was strong. The much deeper point of this story is that you get what you want by giving it up. There is magic in the lesson I swear it. You want intrinsic satisfaction? Give it up. You want sex, stop looking for it. You want popularity? Start being happy with just yourself.

Ade stated:

I don’t want to get too deep here, for the context of morality is beyond the scope of this post. However, it helps to look at morality in a different sort of way. Imagine for a second that morality was created when we started living together in villages tens of thousands of years ago. We couldn’t go around having sex with anyone, we couldn’t go around killing each other, stealing, being jealous, and so forth because the village would have never got off the ground. So we made rules…laws…of what can and cant be done with the aim of contributing to the village, the group, the society. There isn’t anything inherently wrong with killing, but it is counter-productive to the means of a society. When a tiger kills a gazelle there is nothing immoral about it, nor is there anything immoral about animals who fight, get angry with each other, and even kill each other. Put another way, morality is what is useful. All human creation, whether material or ideological, came about from the purpose of meeting some use. Morality is absolute in the sense that each and every single one of us has a sense of morality, but to each of us that morality is different, which is to say that it is relative. But there is no way in which morality is objective.

Ade stated:

I too require help on many occasions, we all do.

Ade stated:

I haven’t met a single person in my life that I can say has inner peace.

Ade stated:

I do this often as well, it comes with being a sensitive person. It also leads to depression. I’m not sure how to help you here, many tactics have been advocated but none have really worked which I tried. Nevertheless, you need to find a way to stop thinking about the past and begin living in the present.

Ade stated:

Keep fighting, it’s a good sign. Believe me when I say that those who have wronged you have been punished or will be upon one condition…that you do not let their behavior affect you. Living well is the best revenge. I know its easier said than done, but you can start with some first steps.

Ade stated:

In many ways they are. Specifically, they are being themselves and not giving a hoot what you think about it. To a certain degree, that kind of apathy is very good. A certain degree of confidence is healthy as well. Learn to learn from your idols as well as your enemies. Like the saying ‘Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies even closer’. Turn every bad situation into a good one. Many moral philosophers, for instance, view evil not as a thing but as a lack of something, namely good. Put another way, everything is good, just not to the degree that you would like it. So find the degree of good that is there and you will become a richer person for it.

Ade stated:

There is no getting ahead or behind, nor is there getting whatever you want. Ade, out of all honesty, I have never met a person in my life who didn’t get what they wanted. We all get what we want sooner or later. I personally, have never had a major problem getting what I want. The real problem isn’t in getting what you want, it’s in wanting what you have. Too often we are crazed over that Ferrari we don’t have, but once we get it, somehow that luster of love for the car dissipates. This habits gets stronger and stronger as you go through life and your need, greed, and bad habits grow with age. But if you learn to want what you have than this too only grows with time and age, and consequently, you grow happier and happier.

I hope this helps to some degree.

What’s your take?

i respectfully disagree!


For whatever it’s worth, I have always felt that in the end all we really have is our self-respect. Whatever you do, don’t trade that away.

Hey Ade, I think girls will probably like you if you stop acting like an egotistical asshole. I have to say, I was not the least bit attracted to you when I read that post, and I can’t imagine the girls at your school are either. Just be nice! Give them compliments, wear clothes that match and were bought less than a year ago. Shave on a regular basis, don’t wear white socks with black pants. Make sure not to bathe yourself in cologne because that stinks. Do not talk about philosophy all the time, and actually listen to what the girls have to say whether you agree with it or not. Girls don’t like to be put down or feel stupid. 99.9% of the girls in the world probably don’t give a damn about philosophy, so if sex is all you want, you cant expect to win them over that way.

Meh. I have my new computer now. So many games to play.

I’m just going to focus on that. Seems like the more I try to be nice to girls and ask them out on dates and such, they less they want to.

If I’m too busy playing games, they’ll start to get jealous. Thinking, “Wow, he likes a game better than me? I’d better make myself noticable.”

I am NOT going out of my way to succeed in this area of life. For everyone else, the right person just comes to them. Why should I have to go out and actively pursue it? I’m getting sick of not catching any lucky breaks. There is SOME luck involved. A person could theoretically do everything right (me up until this point), and have zero success. I’ve been nothing but a perfect gentleman and have always gotten the shaft.

BTW I highly doubt the person who posted above me is actually a girl. That post seems really fake.

I’m not going to forgive someone else’s stupidity just so they like me. If someone says something stupid or incorrect, I will point it out. Isn’t omitting the truth the same thing as lying? And no, I’m not going to listen to what a girl has to say if it’s pointless, re-affirming BS that they already know, but just want to hear over and over again (to assure themselves they’re controlling me). I’m never gonna sell out. That’s all you women want us to do. I’m going to find a girl on my terms, and I’m not putting up with stupid crap. Sure, I’ll be kind, but I’m not going to repeat compliments I’ve already given to her. If there were a change in how I felt, I would tell her. So there’s no need to repeat the same stupid crap over and over. If that’s what you want, then I can safely say [if you are a girl], that I would never date you. I need a woman who has a decent enough of a memory to not make up stupid crap all the time, or fish for compliments all damn day.

I’m really starting to develop a strong hatred of the average woman and her mindset. It seems so stupid. The average girl I know is completely incapable of figuring out anything for herself, whines all of the time, contradicts herself all the time, only hangs out with guys to make other guys jealous, is shallow, materialistic, pretends to be deep and thoughtful but is not, always asks me for help but never pays any attention to me otherwise, it goes on and on.

I need to find a woman who has a strong distaste for the mindset of the average woman.


The situation between good people and bad people isn’t one of two different means of reaching the same ends, but rather the opposite. While the means between good and bad may be the same, what makes a person good or bad is that their ends are different.

In other words, you say they are having more “success” than you. What is your definition of success? As long as it is the same definition that evil people have of success, then your behavior will ever be drawn to darkness.

I have lived the life of a good person, and it has rewarded me with good friends and a wonderful wife. Keep in mind that, in school, we are often hurled together with people we would never normally associate with, and it can confuse our lives. But eventually, if you maintain a steady course, good people of like mind will bubble to the top of your life, and the scum will wash away into the background.

And when it comes to sex, masturbate a lot until the right person comes along. This will keep your mind clear and help your actions be guided by your mind instead of your hormones. Besides, anyone who would only be with you when you’re evil is not a person that will serve you well as a companion in the long run. Watch “Cops” and you’ll see the type of home life this leads to. Hateful people betraying one another, forced to live together out of having a baby or locked in mutual dependence by their own sad lifestyles.

Evil people ultimately create a life for themselves that makes them miserable and self hating. But they lack the long term sight to recognize the consequences of their actions, or connect them to their circumstances. This is why the definition of “success” is different between the good and the evil.

Ade how about posting a picture?

Ade, if you need to turn to the dark side, then do it. People will want you and others to stay good (“stick to your morals,” “keep your self-respect,” “just be yourself,” “once you’ll get it you’ll hate it”), so that you and these others can treat them well, but you have to stick to your convictions and do what is best for you. You have to see what works for yourself. Never listen to advice blindly. Experiment, and learn from experience.

Now, you’ve failed to define evil, which is why everyone’s response differs. Let me define the evil and the good as it is generally thought to be when talking about relationships. Evil usually represents the bad boy. Good represents the nice guy.


  • The bad boy is not afraid to treat the girl like the slut she is. He fucks her like mad, banging and brusing her against the wall. She likes the excitement. Girls want to be fucked, and the bad boy is wiling to deliver the goods.
  • The bad boy smokes, does drugs, drinks like crazy, looks tough using necklaces and earrings, is willing to fight, works out to look muscular, is current with fashion, has tattoos. He is a fearless risk taker. He could care less about society or authority.
  • A bad boy simply does not do every little thing a girl expects from him. He’s a challenge to her.
  • The bad boy does not philosophize. He does what he feels like doing. He says what he feels like saying. He follows natural laws. He needs to fight for himself in this dog-eat-dog world. However, he is not always some schmuck who acts like an idiot. He’s got certain admirable principles and sticks to those principles.
  • Qualities of the bad boy: aggressive, confident, has leadership qualities, willing to say it as it is, willing to fight for himself and his beliefs, willing to use and love women while the relationship lasts.
  • He knows women inside out, the games they play, their weaknesses, their passive-aggressive stance. He plays their game well.
  • example bad boys: James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause, Brad Pitt in Fight Club, Tommy Lee, Marlon Brando, Colin Farrell. Some of these guys will fuck girl/ditch girl, fuck girl/ditch girl, marry girl/divorce girl, fuck girl/ditch girl. Whether or not you want to follow their path is dependent upon your needs.
  • The bad boy says it as it is. When she says she is sick of her father telling her what to do. His response: “Why are you such a pussy? Just do what you want to do. Don’t let the old man push you around. Be tough.”

Typical Nice Guy

  • gives flowers inappropriately
  • premium $100 date on the first date
  • excessive concern about girl’s emotions and feelings
  • calls girl often
  • expresses his love for her in a naive way
  • is afraid to kiss girl for fear of hurting her feelings
  • is nervous around girls
  • when the girl asks him on a date, he goes willingly and cancels his job interview

If you want to be the bad boy, if you want to go to the dark side, then do it. You’ve got to spread your sperm, but only the strong can do so. Love is war. Know what you want (sex, love, plentiful number of girls), know what they want, and go for it. Don’t let anyone stop you. Apparently, your nice guy tactics have failed. From now on, recognize your pussy emotions and squash them. Tough luck to those who get into your way, because you’ve got a mission to accomplish, and you have to get what you want. I will admit, sometimes you have to be nice, but learn to be a bad boy to broaden your armamentarium. If you keep on being nice, you will get what you’ve always gotten, which is probably nice, banal girls.

It doesn’t always mean being an asshole. I’m sure evil in this case doesn’t means robbing banks. It doesn’t mean murdering other people. It’s about being hardcore about taking what you want from this fucked-up world. Being a bad boy is definitely not about letting people run you over. It’s not about listening to other people, who say you should just be a good person, and everything will work out all right. It’s about grabbing what you can get from this world, because, God Damn It!, you’re important, and until your needs are met, the world can wait, and so can everyone else.

Why do you want popularity? Everyone popular I know has their head far up their ass and only care about themselves.
“How NONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO WRONGED ME HAVE EVER FELT GUILT OR RECEIVED “KARMA” OR REPURCUSSIONS, AND I BECOME ABSOLUTELY ENRAGED!!!” Don’t worry about this, I always get gradification from knowing that I would never be that way to somebody and that they are just sad people. People do this because they have no love and need ways of filling the void.
All I can say is don’t become your enemy. You know you are better than they are so no matter how bad it hurt you it you will always be the winner.


As a woman, I’m appauled at the way you speak about other women. I wouldn’t touch you, no matter how sexy or smart or whatever you think the girls are after. Intuitively they probably know what you think of them, you think you are superior to most people, much less women…I don’t know Ade, perhaps you should take a look at yourself instead of focussing on what is outside of you and applying your judgements based on your version of morality onto others. Let it go man.

Girls simply want to be loved Ade. Nothing more. They may think they want this guy who looks intelligent or that one who is rich or he who has the coolest toys/clothes/friends - but they are also simply learning to understand themselves.

The right girl will love you for you in spite of what you think will be attractive to her.

As for sex, if you don’t appreciate the woman, it has nothing to do with paying her compliments, if you don’t appreciate and love her in spite of her inadequecies, then you may as well pay someone for sex.

And while we are here, the word morality only exists because there is immorality. The key here is to practice morality but please, don’t shove it down other people’s throats. If you continue to see yourself as better and more intelligent and ‘right’ then you will never find peace my dear.

Start with seeing yourself as the same as everyone else, you may be surprised and form a real relationship.

The answer, as ever, is to take risks. One cannot intellectualise ones way to love, to happiness, only the thrill of the chase offers us that