Utilitarian Ethics at its Finest

It’s what’s on the outside that TRULY counts.

Sorry girls, your dirty, rotten lies that “people are beautiful on the inside” is a bunch of bullshit.

I enjoy how females promote utility on one hand and superficiality on the other though … makes for an interesting lifetime (draaaamaaa).

And this random idiot, a male nonetheless, can’t contain his hypocrisy. :laughing:

RU, seriously, WTF? How can you turn this incident into a female-bashing opportunity?? You are really stretching for these now, you realize that, right? :unamused: We need to find you a hobby…

Whatever you say “princess”… :unamused:

Having superficial qualities can increase utility. Alot of people strip thier way through college.

Yeah…it amazes me how a male peacock even made it this far (shouldn’t we be digging up peacock fossils by now?).
I mean, talk about superficiality!