Varieties of Psychic Experiences

Psychic Attack

I was resting in my bed one morning with my eyes closed. Without opening my eyes, I sensed some being enter the room. I thought it was my dog, come begging for a walk in the park. So I felt no alarm. There was pressure on the mattress. Again I thought it was he, about to give me a lick. So I remained open to his affection. Suddenly there was loud animal snort/growl right beside my ear. Every muscle and sinew suddenly went rigid. It felt as though I was being gripped from within by iron bands. For some unknown reason I remained calm. I thought that if I could move just one finger, I would triumph over whatever the force was that had entered my body. I struggled with all my might. The finger began to move. The iron grip then suddenly switched to my throat. I was being strangled from inside my body! Now I got frightened. Without any thought, I gasped out a phrase.

"I Know Jesus!" (I have no idea why that popped out. I have never felt that I have had more than a nodding aquaintance with him)

No relief. The inner pressure just got tighter. I was in the throes of suffocation The room began to spin crazily. I was desperate. I began to feel that I might really die. A thought flashed into my mind. A yogi friend had told me that he had once used a certain battle mantra to ward off a psychic attack. I remembered the mantra and managed to gasp it aloud.

“Om namo Shivaya!!” -

Instant relief. It was as though nothing had happened.

As I lay there bewildered, I tried to comprehend what had happened, The angry snort that had preceded the invasion into my body was definately animal. A long-forgotten incident filtered into my mind. I had once calously shot a male baboon out of tree for no reason at all except target practice. He fell dead, face down on the ground, his arms outstretched. When I came over to examine him, I was struck at how much the muscular structure of his back, shoulders and arms made him look like a dead human. In those days baboon troops were regarded as vermin by farmers who were continuously harrassed by their incursions into maize fields. A troop of fifty can wreak havock, stripping hundreds of cobs and running off with only one or two apiece. Never-the less I felt a definate twinge of consciousness, That shameful old memory made me think it was his spirit that had come for revenge.

Several months later, I was busy on documentary television special that focused on the training of Shamans. I made a friend of one of them and invited him over to my house for a cup of tea. The Zulu shaman shivvered violently as soon as he crossed my thresh-hold.
“You have an angry spirit in your house.”

I had never told anybody about the psychic attack, or my shamful story of the baboon.

The shaman came back a week later with a gourd filled with a potion he had made. He used a wildebeeste tail as a switch, dipped it in the gourd and went around the house, from room to room, sprinkling the walls with the potion.

I never had another attack in that house.


Some years back on a business trip to England, my host put me up in an old inn a few miles out of London.

I retired early and was settling down to sleep when a woman entered my room. She seemed real, but was an apparition really, for I had seen her walk right through the bolted door.

She was about 30 with shoulder-length blonde hair. She wore a long silky blue dress. She sobbed quietly to herself as she crossed the floor and sat down on the foot of my bed, seemingly unaware of my presence.

From the start I was gripped by an icy fear. My body seemed paralysed. I could not have lifted a finger. I was lying face down on my pillow. What kept me from going out of my mind, was the puzzle I was wrestling with - how could I see her so clearly through the back of my head?

I do not know how long she sat there sobbing or how long I lay paralyzed. All I remember is waking up the next morning to find her gone.

At breakfast I asked the inn-keeper if anybody else had seen her. He denied that there was a ghost in his hostel.

Ya might wanna get rid of that magnet :wink:

They also attract good spirits, an occassional beautiful one. :sunglasses:

I think that might be that bikini-babe fridge magnet…sorry to disapoint you. It hap…pens…to…us…all…actually forget that sentence, I don’t think it does, does it?

Have you explored alternative explanations for the phenomena you relate? Your explanations seem hasty, and other explanations satisfy the claims. What rules out sleep paralysis in the first story, and a vivid dream in the second?

I have a whacko magnet…been trying to figure out where it is for years.

I am not saying I dont believe in spirits but what you describe sounds more… dream state.

I believe the psychic attack by the baboon was literally that. A psychologist would probably analyse thre attack as sub-conscious shame at what I had done years earlier, surfacing in consciousness as a bizarre or symbolic form of self-punishment.
But the fact that my own direct feelings on the matter were later confirmed by the feelings of the shaman, seems to negate a more scientific explanation.

As to sleep paralysis, I would be interested in your take on that. I have had numerous occassions in lucid dreams when I was so mesmerized by fear, my limbs felt like lead - impossible to move even an eyelid.

There is a definite un-real/dream-like quality to psychic contacts - especially when one is in bed. The one sure way I have of differntiating between a psychic contact and a dream, is that I have never yet mistaken a dream for a ghostly visitation.

How do you know you have never mistaken it?

When I have a lucid dream, part of me is awake, knowing that I have the power to end it whenever I wish.

You have said that you believe in spirits. That belief only becomes seated when you have a spiritual experience yourself.

I’ve had a few strange experiences as well. They had to be experiences beyond simple dreams. No way to proove it though.

We either have our minds firmly in the physical, or floating in the metaphysical: for whatever reason that may be - that’s the way I see it, anyway.

I’m sure only the individual can feel/know what is happening to them: especially if one day out of the blue you feel like you are being choked to death… and then life carries on like normal for the next few years!

The whole point of physics is to prove something to someone else.
The whole point of metaphysics is to prove something to yourself. :sunglasses: