The thought processes that lead someone to become a vegetarian can vary, although the most common is the ‘‘it’s immoral’’ standpoint.
While at first I believed that vegetarians chose to be so was because they believe in equality between animals and us, and thought it counter-productive to this aim to kill and eat the other animals on this planet, but increasingly, I am convinced that a superiority is the cause.
This superiority can be directed toward the fellow man/woman, but, on a more basic level, it is toward the actual animals.
My thinking is this:
A person makes the arguement that to not eat meat is to overcome a natural urge, the to survive at any expense but the expense of one’s own self or survival perogatives(and also any peripheral that can be used to sustain these main two). The arguement for arrogance directed toward the animal occurs here. In the awareness that animals do not make these conscious choices, it developes. Of course this arrogance can be avoided by making no gulf between man and animal, and accepting that man is an animal.
I know Vegetarians that cannot eat meat, it makes them physically ill. Others are Vegie. Because they have a severe empathy for pain. Others do it out of arrogance and superiority, ego. Can’t argue with what you state. I just know that there are differing reasons for being a vegetarian.
Out of curiosity why are you one?
Arrogance of superiority sounds a bit insecure like a person needs to be superior in order to bolster a low self esteem. so they choose one thing they can control in their life. Yep I am sure there are vegetarians and meat eaters that both grasp this. Interesting; I never really thought of that before.
The thought of eating meat, makes me ill, funnily enough.
Years ago, for a while after I stopped, I had dreams where I would eat something, then someone would tell me there was meat in it, and I’d start wretching and vomiting.
Originally it was an empathy thing, and kinda still is, but when I think about how pointless it is to stop eating meat from that point of view, and think about going back I start feeling ill again, so it’s become a health thing.
You’d be surprised the money you save, as well as the reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, food poisining, etc.
I think empathy has validation, arrogance has none. We are omnivores not carnivores. We eat both meat and vegatables. If one chooses vegatables over meat that is a healthy choice. Those that choose meat and no vegies tend to die rather quickly. Carnivore we are not. A balanced diet of good healthy meat and vegies is just as nutritious as a vegetarian diet. I don’t know where you live but, it is cheaper to be omnivore than Vegetarian here. While I can produce vegetables on my acreage most in the cities do not have enough room. The price of fresh vegie foods lately has skyrocketed. Balance is hard to achieve with hungry kids.
I think those that choose the Vegan title are the ones that are arrogant. They tend to make it a crusade and oddly enough can get violent about it. Sort of funny in a hypocritical way.
Those that try to be carnivores just don’t last long enough I guess to get any movement started well other than bowel movement.
I’ve never met a human that ate just meat before, but I guess that’s it’s own reason.
Yeah, vegans are as hard to talk to as ‘‘vegies’’ who eat fish.
I live in Ireland, I’m sure that the meat industry is more competitive in the U.S than here, due to the availability of land, it only makes sense for Irish farmers to focus on veg production with limited dairy and livestock, they take up a lot of land. Besides that, livestock is economically unstable after the disease outbreaks over here in recent years.
It’s strange that veg prices should rise, but I suppose transport costs into and around the cities would explain that, cities in Ireland are like medium sized towns in the U.S, although they are nearly equal in size(our government seems to think that if we build a building more than five stories high that we’ll hit the sky or something).
I know a few people that only eat potaotoes, rice or pasta with their meat and that is their vegetable limits, They do eat tomato sauce but , then that is not a vegie. Yea I know I know, but, that is their terms not mine. Can you guess their weight and health problems?
To some eating habits are almost religious if not religious. What goes into the body coincides with what comes out of the soul, is how I take it. I could be wrong and I am sure if I am someone here will gladly point it out.
There is truth in it to an extent. A healthy body allows the mind to be free from fatigue, stress and many negative emotions that tend to last if one is unhealthy.
Oh and there are cities here that only allow 5 stories. Its more so that people can enjoy the view type of issue. Riiiiight like a brick building can’t be seen… Ireland looks very nice, I think perhaps there they may keep it short for the tourists Short means not truly citified, a homey country type of atmosphere. Darn near everyone that can afford it wants to visit your country( Its the beer and ale thing ), especially if their ancestors come from there. A few of mine do but, you all look cold, and I am from the desert. I shall visit you on TV. If it drops below 70 degrees, I freeze. Ireland looks to be cold at nights and a good part of the days.
Dublin is a city of a million people spread out in two-storie houses, the five-storie buildings are the actual equivalent of sky-scrapers in the inner-city, and it’s basically england anyway, with the loss of culture.
If you ever did come to Ireland, you’ll probably be more interested in the west and south, the landscape is great. If you do one thing you should spend a few days on the isle of inishmore on the atlantic when it’s stormy, the whole island shakes with the wind being pushed up mile long cracks in the rocks by the sea, meanwhile your sitting by a turf fire in your woollen sweater, listening to a man play a badhran(basically a drum)like it’s an orchestral piano, while drinking poitin(it’s like moonshine from potatoes). But, that’s just one part of the country.
Well, if you ever make it to the states, make it a point to camp out in the desert of Arizona, around the time of High summer. Its a deadly beauty that moves the soul in ways that only a poet could describe. The heat burns your soul clean during the day and at night the desert floor becomes as cold as a hundred year old coffin it makes you shiver with its intensity. But, the life in the desert is the most startling thing you will ever witness. Deadly beauty lurks every where. One wrong step can send you into a poisonous hell. The right step and you feel the rush of life. Everything but you is designed for giving life or giving death. It is a powerful place for the soul to grow.
I would love to sit on your shore it sounds as strong and as moving as my desert. The earth has many treasures to reveal, if we only take the time to hear her tell us.
Ireland is steeped in the souls of it’s ancesters, their essence and potential oozes out of the ground, feeding those of the more fortunate generation of today who care to open up to it, with an energy for truly feeling, and traversing the universe with the mind, bypassing all the senses. You can lose control of your body, it’s like a dry broken music that wears the grass well. It seems like the desert does the same thing in a not so different way, the desert seems more direct in relieving you of worldly burdens, with the reminders of your own mortality, while here the carnal memories of long dead non-heroes rise up suffused from the ground with every step.
‘‘if we only take the time to hear her tell us.’’
and we all had the opportunity, patience, and respect.
The thought of long dead hereos seeps into all of us one way or another. We aspire to their greatness as we aspire to pay the bills. We hold their humanity in an immortal cup. Some of us see their greatness as way to fulfill and justify lusts no longer condoned. And so we see the depravity of humanity twisting and turning and reaching for the very thing we cannot grasp when we should be looking within. We all have the hero within if only we look. Heros are only heros because they acknowledged their desperation.
That is cold Pandora, if you read his posts that is really cold. I may find it appealling but, I would never thrust such a thing into a Vegetarian’s face.
That shows a lack of feeling and constructive discourse. Pure meanness.
The human body has evolved to consume meat. When a person feels aversion to eating meat it is a conditioned psychological reaction (like PETA brainwashing).
Anyhow, I am curious as to what exactly goes in the mind of a vegetarian when he sees this picture? A calf being slaughtered and writhing in pain? The consumed meat “decomposing” inside the body and releasing harmful toxins?
As long as you don’t say “plants are people too” thats cool. Plants don’t scream real loud in pain when you chop them.I love the taste of rabbit but the scream they make when I kill them is nerve wracking a bit. Its sounds like a child screaming in agony. Its can be very hard for people. trauma can cause an empathic aversion, sounds smell and sight can too. Not all people can eat meat. I know of two that get physically ill from it. Its not physchological it is a medical condition. I can’t recall the name.
I for one am glad there are sensitive humans, in some ways it gives me a vague hope for the future.
Hi TertiaryMindset.!. You said; â€The thought of eating meat, makes me ill, funnily enough.â€
When you think about meat consumption in its most basic form, I can see how it turns some people off. But the politics of meat consumption has been well thought out by its merchants: chicken cutlets are designed to look nothing like a chicken and, hamburger is designed to look nothing like a cow, etc. Few people would dare to eat a “cow†even though most of us have no problem eating a hamburger. It is odd.
You said; †Ireland is steeped in the souls of it’s ancesters…â€
Ireland is a lovely country with a rich history. In America, around the early 19th Century, a wave of Irish immigrants came to New York in an area then known as the “Five Points" – originally the area was named “the Collect." Today, this is the same area in downtown New York City which still houses “little Italy†and “Chinatown.†The area was once dominated almost exclusively by Irish immigrants until the Italians moved in, soon followed by the Chinese immigrants. The Irish coming to America during that period is a fascinating history; a heartbreaking but noble destiny that has enriched both Irish and American culture. Passion
Pandora, you said: ''The human body has evolved to consume meat. When a person feels aversion to eating meat it is a conditioned psychological reaction (like PETA brainwashing). ‘’
I don’t need to point out that all ‘‘actions’’ are just ‘‘reactions’’ and that all of these are conditioned psychological reactions…do I?..oh, I just did.
‘‘The human body has evolved to consume meat.’’
I hope you are not trying to make the ‘‘it’s only natural’’ arguement, because if you are then you are excusing murderers and rapists too, by proxy.
passion, there was a t.v show recently over here that took a group of forty people into an abbatoir, showed them the entire process of slaughtering the cow, then in the end they were asked if they wanted to eat said cow…all of them did.
As for what I see when I see meat.
I see life slipping from my body as a result of somebody wanting(not needing) to eat me, empathy, basically.
I can never blame or judge anyone, there is a saying: ‘‘there, but for the grace of god, goes me’’, which is applicable even if you don’t believe in god…which I don’t.