Very important...

Delete this thread at once.

Dude, come on, you can’t do this. It leaves us always wondering just what kind of view into your mind that the deleted post may have given us. It’s like giving us candy, then taking it away. Very dissappointing.

I can’t speak for other mods, but I will delete an entire thread only under one of four conditions.

  1. The author has an established history of ILP crimes and misdemeanors, and the thread in question is an acute example thereof.

  2. The content of the thread violates a law of this great country of ours.

  3. It’s just too gross, even for this crew.


  1. I feel the need to impress the chicks with my message board virility, thereby feeding my pathetic ego in a sad and futile attempt to hide the fact that I am a hopeless no-life social outcast whose dog actually ran away to the neighbor, for whom he could have a soupcon of respect.

I miss that dog.

Western Union me, and I’ll think about it! :-"
