Veterans to Natives - We're sorry!

I believe family feuds should last for 2 generations, no more than that. By then the genetics get mixed up and it’s no longer really the same person.

Its always easy to poke genocide victims.

Theres just something about it that rubs people the wrong way.

If you’re kneeling and weeping and begging for forgiveness as you do it, then…yeah?

Yeah, 'cause they’re dead.

I agree with the underlined part.

Like at the end of Natural Born Killers? I’m not sure he was asking for that.

Genocide victims? Ok so now all American Indians are severely inbred.


The above may be right reason, gib - but the reality ALSO is that people do carry the emotional baggage of their ancestors forward in time…some might even say in their DNA.

So a conscious and “real” act of remorse toward those who have been wronged by our ancestors and verbalized and with good will behavior can go far to assuage the pain and loss of face toward a group and open deeper channels of communication.

Yes, with a stretch, you might actually say that.

I guess it depends on what you mean by “carrying their emotional baggage”. A lot of descendants of once abused groups are simply taught that they belong to a group that was once abused by another group, one that is still around, and that justice has never been served. That might plant seeds of resentment. But that still doesn’t make them victims of said abuse. But then there is the sense of inheriting emotional baggage in that life for a particular group is the way it is right now (whether that’s economic, familial, culturally, etc.) because the abusive relations they endured several generations ago. For example, if a member from some group who is current abused by another group turns to alcohol and ends up beating his children as some kind of symptom of PTSD, that can start a vicious cycle of abuse (alcohol and more beating) that gets past down through the generations. But if that makes them a “victim”, it’s still not a victim of members of any particular group today. It’s victimization of whoever’s currently abusing them (in this case, a parent) and only indirectly victimization by a past generation long since dead.

Yes, that part I agree with. It’s what I meant by a “gesture of compassion”.

Very clearly only a few here have taken the trouble, or simply have the soul to realize what it means to have butchered ancestors in ones heart.

Whoever thinks this is trivial or insignificant, I dont want to think about the povery of that persons heart.

Some realize that all of us have ancestors killed through land grabs and war. The American Indian is not the standout that they would like to think. They are not even the most recent.
Gotta love the dramatic choice of words though, so media of you.

Warriors met in life and both had enough health to treat the other as a worthy adversary.

Can’t even tell who’s ancestors are spinning faster in their graves. Those on who’s behalf …somebody… says sorry or those who are deemed not to have been worthy adversaries.

Absolutely. I am not responsible for any thing my ancestors have done. I am only responsible for what I have done. I cannot accept responsibility for the
actions of others just because we happen to share the same bloodline or skin colour. Acknowledging mistakes of the past so as to avoid repeating them
is a far better way of dealing with this. Not guilt by association that automatically blames you because you had less than perfect ancestors. There also
is the problem of applying contemporary morals to any historical event as this makes for a more distorted view the further back in time that one goes