Victim Jargon

I trace nihilism to the emergence of self-consciousness, exposing men to another source of anxiety and stress.
Nihilism refers to no single ideology or dogma, it refers to a school of defensive thinking that used semiotics, i.e., language, to create a protective response to this source of anxiety and stress.
It intentionally or subconsciously, mistook the representations for the represented, detaching language from its original references in reality - outside human minds - and replaced these references with more noetic constructs, creating a self-referential cognitive loop, i.e., words/symbols referring to more words/symbols.
To compensate for these external referents it projected them into sacred texts, i.e., scriptures, and into another’s mind, an idol/icon, necessitating a community that shared the same disconnected from reality terminology.
There is no exact historical point to use as its start, but it was formalized ushering in theocracy with Moses and his commandments.

Nihilism, whatever its variant, projects into reality human ideas that have no references in reality and may even contradict man’s experiences of reality.
When the cosmos fails to provide evidence or validation for these human projections - these human ideas, ideals, abstractions concepts etc. - they call the cosmos, i.e., existence, “negative” and those who accept their absence they call “nihilists”.
Therefore, conventional understanding describes a universe with no universal morality, no one-god - singularity, absolute order etc. - no purpose as a negative, when it is a positive.

Man mistakes his interpretations of existence as existence itself; his representations of what is present, as more real than the real.
He prefers to think of his mind as the source of divinity, because the mind is, in comparison to the body, all powerful, able to think up things that do not exist, uninhibited by what limits the body. He convinces himself that the noetic is more real than the present, the apparent, because he can easily control and manipulable what is in his mind and he cannot do so with what is outside his mind.
Semiotics, being representations of human mental representations, i.e., abstractions,. images, ideas etc., acquire a magical power, able to manipulable other minds who can share the same representations, via language…
The world is reinterpreted as humanity, so as to claim that they have power over the world itself - because logos, words/symbols, are impotent outside minds that can be affected by them, so nihilism becomes proselytizing, wanting to expand its field of effect by infesting more minds with the same symbols and their understanding. Nihilistic dogmas and ideologies cannot survive without minds to exist within, because they have no reference to reality, to the experienced world.

Nihilism evolves into a method of parasitism, when semiotics can be used to infect another’s mind so as to manipulable and exploit him by altering his way of judging and choosing, viz., acting, interacting.
Nihilism is seductive because it shelters the psyche - the ego - from an indifferent, threatening world, providing an alternate reality - an subjective reality that grows into a cooperative, i.e., collectivized, as inter-subjectivity, each participant validating and reinforcing a shared idea which has no references to the world outside their sympathetic communion via semiotics.

What is victim jargon?
A secular updating of ancient spiritual dogmas, such as the Abrahamic triad, that offered relief and comfort to the increasing masses of individuals a civilization produces and maintains, but also makes possible with reproductive rules, such as monogamy.
As populations grew, indiscriminately, unfit mutations multiplied and propagated undisturbed by culling or natural selective processes, creating masses of inter-depedent unfit masses looking for justifications for their survival.
Such dogmas became universal because they attracted the lowly across tribal and cultural lines. Every culture creating its own sheltering environments within which this process can continue uninterrupted and unhindered by natural processes. As technologies became more sophisticated this cocooning sheltering increased its effectiveness, exponentially multiplying the propagation and compounding of mutations that are unfit, by biological standards, meaning that individuals could no longer survive in nature but became bound by the sheltering they depended on to survive and multiply.
Memetics = techniques/technologies began to usurp genetics in determining fate. natural order was replaced by manmade order, and natural selection became social selection.

But, genes evolve slower than memes, because, as noted, mind is not limited by space/time to the degree the tangible, corporeal body is, so disparity between mind/body - dissonance - followed, producing our modern schizophrenia.
For example, the body is still positively reactive to stimuli the mind considers improper and negative.
Another example of mind/body dissonance is obesity, viz., a body evolved to cope in more resource impoverished environments is suddenly confronted with localized resource superfluity, coupled with ease of access, creating health issues as symptoms of this mind/body dissonance.
Other examples can be found in sexuality, and how memes, cultures systems, impose sexual behaviours that contradict physical impulses, genes, or that impose ideals that contradict the body’s attractions to particular markers of fitness - social fitness not being the same as natural fitness.

So there’s a couple problems here.

I agree with the necessary linkage between Nihilism and Abrahamism as ideologies and emotional attitudes which directly correspond with the slave-castes of history. Going back to the Graeco-Roman era, the rise of Christianity and Christendom, the centuries of faction warfare between European pagans, etc. Christianity was brought-about as a reaction to Jewish uprisings in Judea and Israel. Christians largely mimicked the way that Jewish priests were able to manipulate the lower rungs of population using Semiotics. In essence, Jews and Judaism were/are an early, primitive form of mass mind-control and manipulation. Christianity was a necessary reaction, because the Plebians of Rome were being manipulated, so rather than it be to the use of Judaism, it was copied and controlled by Rome-itself, which later evolved into Catholicism. The synthesis between Catholics and Jews today, the scattered inter-marriages and race-mixing, is the end-result of now two millennia of shared Memetic beliefs, ultimately parsed by Monotheism and what was first Zoroastrian ideology and beliefs. Because European pagans were/are not Monotheists, put Polytheists.

Bare-in-mind that Western Civilization still uses the Roman calendar and mostly Greek alphabet. Jews and Judaism appropriated from Europeans as well, an exchange.

But when you abstract Nihilism into a fundamental psychological reaction of Evolution, namely, the Denial of reality in place of Semiotic, Ideal Concepts, then it is no longer historically pinpointed and only attributed to Abrahamism, but would then rather be an inevitable consequence of consciousness itself. The mind turns-away from reality, a reaction of fear. If this is innate, and it is, then the conscious turn inward would be considered “Nihilistic”.

I disagree with this because then this makes all humans “Nihilistic”, and only ‘Brave’ humans, who can confront this inward-turn, Not Nihilistic.

This is a flaw with your description.

Secondly, you link the definition of Nihilism many places with the lower rungs of society who refuse to confront reality, or to pay for the mistakes and consequences of their choices. On the last part, it is NOT the lower rungs of society who generally do not pay for their failed choices in life. That is the UPPER rung of society, who do not pay for their failed judgments and errors of thinking. Rather it is the upper-classes and castes of history who, when they fail, in their stupidity, arrogance, bravado, hubris, over-confidence, spoiled, pampered, protected, etc. they make the LOWER rungs pay for their mistakes. While they remain Untouchable and Unaccountable. So then, this is another discrepancy of Nihilism. Because while the lower-rungs pay for the errors of the upper-rungs, there is almost never any pressure on those decision-makers to make ‘better’ decisions, except when attacked by their own kind, politically.

And we actually see this today, by the oncoming Civil War between left & right, liberal & conservative, democrat & republican, by how they are forcing each-other to pay for their own errors of judgment and systemic political choices, but, only at the the UPPER levels. While the LOWER rungs will pay for the consequences, eat the bullet, spill blood, regardless of who wins or what’s more objectively true.

And objectively true doesn’t really matter much, when it’s about power and might-makes-right.

So, no, “Nihilism” fails when conflated this far.

“Nihilism” is not an accurate description of the underlying psychological and pathological reaction that any individual has when confronting generally fearful aspects of reality. Fear is biologically intrinsic. So while some concepts of reality are more or less fearful than others, and some individuals braver than others, people will not have the same reactions to Semiotics based on the specific instances. For example, a race-mixed child or person will have a different reaction to the positive/negative opinion of race-mixing, than someone who is more racially pure/stratified. As will the racial purist, have a different positive/negative opinion. So where is the Nihilism exactly?

If Nihilism is generalized universally, then I would guess, that people fear most what they value and is “wrong”, but what is wrong maybe a human morality, and not objective. There maybe ‘objective’ consequences, and that racially-mixed people are discriminated against, even repulsed from societies with Sparse economic situations (such as starvation or collapse). But again, it has little to do with “Nihilism” except by which people fear the negative consequences of their opinions or beliefs about reality.

Nihilism, in this case, is more about core-values, Metaphysical beliefs and universalized outlooks about Nature. If that’s your meaning, I don’t know, you tell me.

Here’s how I generally react to “Nihilism”.

Across history, the Slave-castes have had very shitty lives. They have little-if-any Choice. They generally starve to death. They generally fight and die on the frontline of war zones. Their lives are generally short, brutal, painful, and miserable.

Thus these are the ones most needy and desperate for an “Afterlife”, a better-life, a Utopia. So when early Semiotic Cults came online, concentrated in what is now “Jews/Judaism”, they began to congregate and concentrate more and more to Mass Religion, which appeared as Abrahamism. This gives Hope to the Hopeless. The “Nihilism” then is the generally miserable, hopeless, choiceless, desperate outlook of the Slave-caste. Nietzsche rightly referred to this as “Slave Morality” of the Master-Slave Dialectic (Semiotics). The Nihilism then is that there are many layers of Lies. The first lie, mainline, is an “Afterlife”. This later evolves into a “Blank Slate Theory”, Tabula Rasa. This also evolved into what is now Cultural Marxism, that babies are born “Gender Fluid”. These Modern-Post-Modern occurrences of this ancient phenomenon.

However, the slave-caste of this MPM Era, is different than before, more sophisticated and nuanced. So the ‘Nihilistic’ tendencies are very much the same as ever before, but it does not apply to any & everything.

Nor does it apply to the specific way-in-which the cultural “Elite” pass down their failed choices and disastrous consequences onto the lower classes, the MPM Plebians.

For example, consider a “Modern Male” who is “Transexual” and persuaded to cut off his genitals. That is a payment of consequence, a failure. The Lie has an effect. MPM people can be bullied, harrassed, threatened, and coerced into these paradigms of “Righteousness”, for some “greater purpose”.

Shame and guilt are part of these functions.

The old Morality has upgraded and evolved into new forms, a “Post-Christian” era where the same underlying mechanisms are at play, but Semiotics changed and upgraded.

A last point for now, when I think of “Nihilism”, I think of suicidal tendencies. People who are Nihilistic have essentially “given up on life”. This is prelude to the Abrahamic theism, ideology, and so then something like Transexuality and self-castration would indeed be Nihilistic behaviors.

Your definition of good as what is satisfying and pleases, well, that is incomplete as it a type of goodness that fails to compare with supreme goodness, which is more about the lack of a need of anything satisfying or pleasing.

And by withholding that comparison, you have lost me on what else you think of innocence or victim terms.

Are you referring to the absolute, wholeness?


As oppossed to Survivor Slang.

And my speech on superiority starts like this … :-"

It’s a world of victims victimizing each other only to create more victims, rinse, wash, and repeat. :sunglasses:

[All the while the real perpetrators costantly go unpunished.]

I now understand his position of attributing all the world’s problems to nihilism, took me a while but I get it now. Still, I wonder what he thinks of in terms of survival in this world of horrifying nihilism, how does one resist or fight against it? He’s been mute on that as far as I know.

Does one build an ark as a sanctuary to survive the incoming global flood of destruction? Something tells me that won’t work at all.

There is no refugee, sanctuary, or flight of safety anywhere for anybody. What do you do in a world where all is lost?

Excuse me…oh shit look what I did?
It was not me…it was determined by forces beyond me.
I am but their puppet.

The mechanics of this forum suuuuuuck!

youre so boring

Ran out of one-liners shit-Stain?

Why don’t you dust off that clever wit of yours, or has ILP atrophied you too?

i will never run out of one liners

shut up bitch

lol u mad

The goal of iamastupidcunt, is all-inclusion.
This is why she appeals to the “other”, this is why she constantly admits that she may be wrong.
She is virtue signalling, appealing to the fear of being excluded from the herd.
She’s saying: you are wrong, i am wrong - because there is no truth - so let us come to a compromise and each tolerate the others error.
so if you don’t offer an absolute certain truth, then all are equally wrong. That’s ideal because now we can come to a compromise and agree to tolerate each others idiocy.

A “fulminating fanatic” objectivists, is one that excludes, without offering an absolute final complete truth.
She equates truth with popularity, and appeals to the “other” to gain popular validity.
She admits she may be wrong, signalling that no absurdity will be excluded. All weakness, all stupidity, is welcomed.

She wants to build the largest herd ever…humanity as a single herd.
She triggers innate, primal anxieties about being ostracized or excluded… certain death in nature.
She will embrace all if they tolerate her ignorant idiocy.

Let’s support Mary Land - the litmus test of abortion, of bad judgement - because we will all find ourselves in her situation and will need the help of the herd.
Someone to bail us out of a bad judgement call, a bad choice.
This is her psychological appeal to the herd, to weakness, to mediocrity.
She has no clue about anything.
She refuses to define the terms she throws around because this will expose how clueless she is - and by defining a term contradicts another’s definition…and her idiocy wants all idiots to feel welcomed.

This is why she repeats, describing her enemies, that they think in us vs them…because she is all-inclusive.
Doesn’t mater how stupid your convictions are, you will be welcomed if you water your wine and make compromises.
Contradicting herself in the process.
How can all be included when those who reject all-inclusion are excluded?

All she feels she has to do is find a flaw, a incompleteness in any theory…this automatically makes it just as wrong as any other theory.
Certainty or total uncertainty. If you aren’t allowing for any alternative - no mater how absurd - you are a fascist. All must become equally uncertain.
If not omniscience then ignorance. If not omnipotence then impotence.
Either/Or, simple and effective among simpletons…her target audience - those “others” she constantly appeals to in her notes.

What are the long-term consequences of such herd-psychology?
She doesn’t know; she doesn’t care.
All must be included, because nobody knows for certain…there is no omniscience.

Identifying with victims is the natural impulse of life that finds in existential uncertainties and cosmic indifference a threat it cannot rationally cope with.