There are so many things in life that we have no control over. The world could end tomorrow, the stock market could crash, oil prices could go up a lot higher, there could be some bird-flu epidemic, etc., etc. And those were just global circumstances that effect all of us.
To say that a person is a victim because they cannot control their environment is really misleading. A person is a victim OF THEIR CIRCUMSTANCES when they can’t control their environment (or the circumstances). There is a big diference between being a victim and being a victim of your circumstances. That is a symatic issue though.
“No! Being a victim will make you one - the thought is irrelevant: for we should be more than our thoughts. Thoughts are limiting, and can be transcended: then one begins to ‘achieve’ what one was born to ‘achieve’.”
Your thoughts become your attitude and your attitude becomes your reality. I may have misquoted that but the point is that what you think is important. And a lot of what being a victim is is under YOUR control.
People can avoid feeling a victim of theft if they decide that their material possessions are not important to them. If your car gets stolen and you decide that you need more exercise or more interaction with co-workers by car-pooling, then it is your ATTITUDE that determines your reaction (i.e., victim or not). NO ONE can tell you how you feel. But feeling like a victim is something you do have a choice about.
Now, giving up your car is a bit extreme, but that was to make the point. But sometimes things happen, a loss of some kind, that we learn to simply get over because our ATTITUDE helps us see that the thing we lost was not so important to use after all. A missed jop opportunity, a loss of vitality with age, a close friend move away, etc., life is always about learning how to deal with loss so that we don’t feel so empty or wanting. (And many times we have no control over those losses.)
Your attitude decides if you are a victim or not. And you always have a choice about your attitude.
Our thoughts can limit us when we confuse our perception with reality. You can’t change reality but you can always change your attitude. So, it doesn’t matter what we can’t control because we can control our attitude and our attitude is what makes us a victim or not.