In the United States and in other industrialized/developed nations we are facing a common problem: many of our fellow citizens are playing victim. You can often identify these citizens because they pull the race card claiming they are discriminated against and cannot achieve any meaningful existence due to the problems inherent to the society in which they live. Other identifiers include those that cite poverty and lack of opportunities meanwhile providing plenty of creative, almost humorous, rationalizations for their failures. These same people refuse to take responsibility for their actions–or lack thereof. These ‘victims’ sometimes blame the wealthy, the successful, and the accomplished upper and middle class for their condition or state of living. These fellow ‘victims’ will refer to the upper and middle class as the greedy, gluttonous, insatiable predators of civilization that have oppressed and ensured their doom.
Sadly, it is the idea that the system is setup for one’s downfall and that people are actively preventing you from receiving opportunities to advance is the very idea that indeed makes these individuals false victims because they are societal victims of self-victimization.
I propose that we stop letting these ‘societal victims’ make excuses and hold them responsible for their actions. I further propose that we should stop babysitting minorities and call them out on their poor justifications. In the United States, I would like to call out three groups that need to stop defending its lack of progress by playing victim. I speak of Black people (African-Americans) and Hispanic people (Latin{o}-Americans) and White people (Caucasian-Americans).
Group 1: African Americans. Black people were slaves–over 100 years ago. Up to as much as 45 years ago, Black people suffered much discrimination. Then a civil rights movement, led by brilliant men like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, came to fruition that changed laws, opinions, hearts, and minds regarding our fellow citizens. Sadly, since this period of change became stagnant and there has been a regression that has led to widespread failure that is justified by vague references to “the man” and “the system” and the “White slave master.” What happened? There was so much hope, so much change? Why have Black people failed to capitalize on a system that has provided much more opportunities to them than in their ENTIRE history in the United States? The guilt does not fall on society, the guilt lies on the heads of the group that has ceased to progress. Where are the Black leaders? I remember growing up in one of the worst neighborhoods on this side of the Earth. Common complaints by my friends were that they couldn’t make it in a “White man’s world.” It saddens me to hear such specious reasoning. I grew up in the same neighborhoods, facing the same discrimination, receiving the same opportunities as everyone else, yet I have achieved success where most of them are dead, in jail, or work at dead-end jobs. Stop making excuses!
Group 2: Latino Americans. Hispanic people face many challenges in the United States–often language barriers and poverty. My biggest grief with this group is that now that the second and third generation is coming into its own there appears to be a similar pattern of stagnation followed by regression to which Black people succumbed. So many young American BORN Hispanics are becoming gang members, or are forsaking higher education (which is a terrible decision). Why aren’t Latino American parents emphasizing the importance of education? My opinions is that there is a huge gap between what has been achieved by this group and the potential of this group. There are few notable leaders in the Latino community, if any… can anyone name a few leaders that are championing the potential for this group? Language barriers should have ended with the second generation; however, a problem continues to exist. Those that dodge college end up taking mediocre jobs with little or no opportunity–which forces them into a cycle of poverty. Also, there has been an ever increasing trend to accuse White and/or Black people for racism and blame them for their problems with community integration. Moreover, this group often jumps to conclusions that those against illegal immigration are racists and that these ‘racists’ are doing everything in their power to make it hard for Hispanics… please! Hispanics are making it hard on themselves by not getting educated, by not voting, by not becoming more prominent members of society. Victims? I think not.
Group 3: Caucasian Americans. White people are now beginning to whine about the minority groups receiving favoritism and that the immigrants are stealing their jobs and opportunities; there are even complaints by many of the working class that corporations are taking advantage of cheap offshore labor. Seriously, stop whining and making excuses. Work hard and get an education–this will help you to worry less about losing your job to a Chinese laborer. Competition is what makes Capitalism work and new blood pumps life into a society that would otherwise become stagnant. Stop resting on your laurels and start inventing a better mouse trap, a better mouse, or whatever it takes to remain productive. White people are essentially claiming to be victims of those that claim to be victims… Geez.
FINALLY, let’s get real and take responsibility. Stop making excuses. Opportunities are out there. Work hard, study hard, and be productive! The following groups are minorities that rarely make excuses: Asians, Persians, Jews, Armenians, Russians… and more. Now own up to your responsibility and go change the world!