Victoria's secret?

Okay so you know how the girls that work at Victoria’s Secret are always gorgeous? Well, this one time I went into the store and gestured toward one of the girls and when she came over and asked how she could help me, I replied “oh yes, um, could you try this on for me,” as I handed her an article of underwear.

Fortunately she did, and when she came out of the changing-booth with only the underware on, the manager fired her, so, we just said fuck it and dropped right there on the floor…and made love.

(no but wouldn’t that be a cool story though?)

What the bloody hell does that have to do with anything here, whatsoever?

that is a good line. It will come in handy next time someone forces me to go the mall with them.

It’s got to do with everything, no?


what does this thread have to do with anything. Immagination was part of the first post, so it is fine. But it was out of the blue though for sure. :laughing:

Green eyes? LOL I have very very dark brown eyes. I know it is unheard of almost but, I was born with dark red hair and brown eyes, not green, hazel or blue. I was told by doctors one in maybe 10 thousand to 15 thousand redheads like me, are born this way, throw in being left handed, makes us even more rare critturs. Which makes doctors drool to poke, prod and test me. I avoid em now, like the plague. :laughing:

I never liked wearing fur, it is too creepy. Leather is Iffy, fur is creepy. And leather just does not keep you warm as lingerie so that is out too. :laughing:

Well it depends. Are you taking a formal non-dialectial positivist approach to your definition of “have-to-do-ness,” or do you prefer the inter-subjective triangulational Wittgensteinian angle on the context and meaning of atomic statements?

This has everything to do with my reply, Mas, so please speak clearly for gods sake, or I will not answer.

Yes, especially as concerns truth to one’s inherent nature.

But there is doubt your agenda is that simple.

I don’t know enough about Witty to make an assessment.

Have to see if faust has a few moments to spare on the phone, and then I’ll let you know …

Where is faust, I need his number?



Why should that concern you? What have you to fear?

So, do you believe in the way/tao?


LA, you comment on the woman in the tight under garments.

I agree that everything about the setting of that image can be construed as negative, but I want to attempt a defense of it if it were in a different context.

I, personally, quite enjoy watching a beautiful woman “undress” from clothing like that. I don’t promote it as pragmatic-wear of course, but in the intimacy of the bedroom, there is a certain seductive appeal to the presence of clothing that ironically serves no pragmatic purpose; thus is the nature of one sexual fetishism. That underwear is next-to-nothing, but as it reveals the flesh it is inticing and ritualistic to take-it-off. It is part of a drama and process of foreplay.

I am willing to designate even three minutes to the time it takes before I would prefer her to take it off. If she moves right and [ahem] uses her hands for certain things pertaining to her own body…I love to watch it.


Nah, not worried about comfort.

But dude, the woman would only be in those clothes for a matter of minutes.

Its not like she’s gonna wear it to work.


I support the women’s movement to sexiness with great fervor.

thirst, why are you pestering Mastriani . . . ?

As long as I can help her take it off I’ll love it…


Sure, sure, but I have this certain thing where I love to watch her take off the bra while facing away but a little to either side while she slightly pushes her butt out and arches her waist. At this angle, you can see the side of her breast as the bra slides off, and in combination with the waist and butt view, from about ten feet away, is intoxicating to me.


I like the initial slight bounce that a woman’s breasts make after she removes her bra…

It’s purrrrfect.

But I also enjoy when a woman is only wearing a shirt with no bra…
The removal is always a bit shocking: “Well, what a pleasant surprise!”


thirst … can you get to the point?

I am working too many hours a week to forfeit much attention to games.

Nearly three thousands posts say you have time for games…
Answer the question and we can move forward.


Off-topic, but most women’s breasts don’t look like perfectly round hard-as-a-rock melons. They are softer-looking, less stiff, less symmetrical, and haven’t been opened up surgically and fill with the latest saline solution.

Victoria’s Secret? They aren’t real.