I find it ironic that a million moralists pronounce and proclaim goodness as if it was a absolute power in the universe all the while these same people find great pleasure on a Friday night enjoying mock imitations and acting of violence with themes of murderous death.
Could it be that people find pleasure and enjoyment in these activities because secretly they wish to act out on these violent actions internally beyond the fake public masks they constantly wear outside of themselves?
Could it be that through years of societal repression of emotions and instinctual behaviors that men construct such forms of violent entertainment because they know of the moral consequences by the state should they decide to act upon them?
I think a large part of the population secretly desires to murder, rape, and steal thus in order to fulfill this sensational desire without state consequences they find entertainment in mock imitations of such acts under entertainment.
Can someone give me an example of a group of people or set of behaviors that could help me to understand who these people are who have stopped living life in order to persue “what’s right”?
If you look at the violent entertainment its about hunting and competing. We are not allowed to hunt dominate and compete in a feral manner anymore. We is civilized. Its not about raping, stealing and murder. Its about feral territorial competition and the the predatorial hunt. Its hard to suffocate instincts entirely, we do need outlets.
Yes I am, do you think chosen beliefs are stronger than feral instinct? we humans are barely out of the jungle. Our feral instincts have yet to evolve or fade into oblivion. There fore society creates outlets for these instincts in order to keep them under control. by design or subconcience this is done is a good question. That those in power are subject to feral instincts is not in doubt. do they know this or do they not?