Well now, I’m flattered as a flitter that you might even think for a second that I had such a flamboyant imagination as to invent a story of Jesus being born of a fire breathing vagina.
But alas, my imagination is flatter than a flitter compared to the author that forged the Gospel of Peter.
As to way it wasn’t included in the New Testament canon, maybe because they didn’t want to imply that Mary could give Joseph a weenie roast. Or maybe other reasons.
But it couldn’t have been because the Gospel of Peter is far fetched. The canonical gospels are far fetched. Probably because this story of the birth of Jesus didn’t align with the manger story.
And talk about far fetched, not only is a virgin birth far fetched, but what about the story of the Magi being lead by a star that stopped over Jesus. If it happen then, we know that star must have actually been an UFO. Because stars don’t travel to lead people, nor do they stop over something.
How come Bible believers are forced to believe the unbelievable?
And talk about the unbelievable : that would be the rich imagination they had back even a thousand years ago. There wasn’t any real widespread entertain back then, so they let their imaginations go wild in their story telling.
In Jesus’ day they were soused to the gills with Greek/Roman religion and myths. By the time Jesus was born many before him had been born of a virgin. This set up a predilection for the introduction of the Jesus movement, known as The Way. And also required that if Jesus was going to be an up to snuff kind of god, that he would also have to be born of a virgin.
In hindsight it’s plain to see the the Greek/Roman pantheon and myths were unmitigated figments from within the imagination of men. True also of the Hebrew myths.
Many wrote books back them with fancy-free cartoon caricatures of fantastical events, of pure imagination.
Again, any god that was born thru a vagina is not worth His salt to be a god. Coming out of a human vagina makes one human.