Almost everyone suffers from bouts of depression one time or another in their life just as all of us get colds every now and again. But just like it is not normal for one to go through life with a constant cold, it is not normal for us to be constantly depressed either. Living an unbalanced life really contributed to my depression. Stress and depression go hand in hand, then we get sick from the stress and the depression and stress just gets worse and it becomes a death spiral. We can define stress as “a state that evokes effort on the part of the individual to maintain or restore equilibrium.”
The 2 R’s are important to remember when it comes to stress management. They are Reduce stress and Relationship to stress. Reducing stress is the number one tool at our disposal. After we reduce what we can then we must work on how we relate to stress that cannot be reduced or eliminated. A life of voluntary simplicity has helped me greatly in this area of stress reduction. In terms of relating to stress, my Buddhist and Taoist practices as well as my 12 step work support me in this area. They help me accept or change the problem…then it is solved either way. Tired of being angry? Just relinquish control and anger will be diminished. Anger and control go hand in hand. I discuss this topic in an earlier post “Justified Anger”
Meditation and mindfulness helped calm my mind. A constantly busy kind cannot heal itself. Joining the simple living movement help make time for me to meditate and relax. Without time for contemplative practices and relaxation I am sunk. This is an almost top necessity for me.
Some information on zazen meditation:
I tell those that say they have no time to relax to get into voluntary simplicity. In a nutshell, voluntary simplicity reminds us that if you can’t keep up, you need to scale back until you can keep up, if you desire to live a life at peace. I need to eat right and sleep right and exercise right as well. Many foods help trigger crazy thinking, disturb sleep and can lead to depression, especially the salty and chemical rich, artificial factory foods. This is much easier to see once we clean up our diet and our thinking. I discuss a technique I sue in an earlier post ‘Star System’ to help support this foundation of balanced basics that lead to a flourishing life.
A good forum to support a life of voluntary simplicity is:
Sleep is also a problem with me as well as many health related stress produced problems. My sleep has improved, but I have to keep a watchful eye on my lifestyle as it can be back to problematic living in short order. I also found that my depression and stress sickness was greatly helped when I started to work on repairing the wreckage of the past that was constantly being fueled by my various addictions. From years of practicing these addictions I had dug a deep hole for myself and my family. The bigger mess I made, the more stress I created for myself and the more depression and hopelessness arose from my wrong lifestyle.
Once I started to restructure my life in the direction of recovery, the benefits started showing up at my door. One thing was certain, I could not keep my old sick life and get better as well. Something had to go. I was now on track and the problems my earlier life were being cleaned up and I was not added new problems daily to add to the list of old problems.
Some books on the subject of sleep. You can order any of these books for free from a public library. … arch#focus
Besides nutrition and getting the proper vitamins I have to work in spiritual areas as well. I need a balanced way to live right - not 100% spiritual and not 100% physical, but need to blend the two seamlessly for proper recovery. 12 step work as well as personal religious and spiritual studies helped me in this area. We are spiritual beings in a physical body living in a physical world so we are governed by both spiritual as well as physical or natural laws. So, we must never forget to work in both areas. In short, we have to live right and not work against the natural laws as well as spiritual laws that govern us if we want hopes for a new life.
Some of society do not think much of spiritual or divine laws. Even if you are an atheist, you still must serve 2 Gods whether you like it or not. If you claim you do not serve these Gods…then you must be the God.
See: … opic=342.0
I am lucky to be able to recover in these areas using natural methods. But other persons suffering from depression might have a chemical imbalance in the brain and need medical advice and special medications. If this is the case, it is a matter of doing the footwork in all these medical areas to find out what can be done. Depression can stem from many areas but once thing is for sure, If we dedicate ourselves to work on getting better and making a better life for us we can almost always improve our life in a positive direction and make progress…but it takes work on our part to make these changes happen.
A couple of book lists for dealing with stress. … SUBJ#focus … SUBJ#focus