Virtual reality ? Super reality ...

I was watching some youtube videos and some flickr pictures. I visit often to tour the world. I noticed that some videos are made by driving through towns and cities and some pictures are of towns and cities. So if you connect with those 2 sites you could actually SEE AND VISIT AND DRIVE THROUGH EVERY PLACE ON EARTH ! Of course that means someone would have to upload a video or picture of their local area and then the sites would have to associate the media to the points on the satellite image maps, but it is totally possible.

So what we would have eventually is not virtual reality, a fake reality, but a SUPER REALITY where you would see the entire earth and its town and cities as you would never have been able to. I am wondering if this will be a new development…

Also, you can end up seeing the inside of every home, office or store on earth. You can also end up seeing every family video of everyone who ever took them.

And then the first guys who start using the drive in town to advertise could make money…

The automobile as an internet device.

The amount of information that can and will be put on the Internet is mind boggling. I mean you can indeed make a movie out of every street, store, home etc. But you can also show the insides of all places, homes, and you can have very high definition of it all. I mean you could see everything of a place across the world and everything of the whole world.

But that is just for places. People could make a movie of many kinds of events, of every kind of subject , etc. The point is the amount of knowledge could multiply by hundreds of times, everyplace on earth is in your living room.

What effect this can have is unknown.

wow :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:
jennifer-aniston-rides-on-cock.i … news/71446
regards, Bastenerterup40

Wow, I could watch myself watching myself while watching myself.

This is a brilliant thought. You ought to make a business out of it. Imagine a future where you could talk to someone live from anywhere in the world at any time. Imagine a sort of Orwellian telescreen scenario where cameras existed almost anywhere. The whole concept of privacy and touring would be radically altered.

No its much worse than that. It will start by making movies of every street, house and place on earth. Then it will become high definition, then it will be browsed through by robots having data gloves that can transmit touch, then you can put it on large screen plasma high definition screens and touch it all with data gloves etc. Everyplace on earth will be in your living room, you can walk down some brazilian favela through the robot and then jump to siberia.

And you can visit the same place in a different time, since they are recorded maybe hundreds of times a year. Confusion between present time and past, then virtual fake realities can be extended to it all, the size of the planet increases billion folds , there is no end in sight, INFORMATION IS ALL WE REALLY HAVE EVEN NOW, BUT THROUGH IT IT WILL BECOME INSANE!

Browse youtube or and start to get an idea.