Every virtue that exists humans demand from each other in society, (even those who are extremely unjust, people can be odd that way) They hope to be treated fairly in business and in love, and rant whenever they have been taken for a fool, well they will experience it all, real justice, loyalty, and love, they will enjoy the fruits of virtuous thought and action, it will translate for them into the ideal society, but only once everyone begins taking the work of purifying the mind seriously, once everyone has the mental capacity to create this ideal society.
It is in them to do so, even if there are imbeciles in the world who teach them chaos and stagnation. But lets use just one example here, compare a swamp to a fresh source of water, you naturally prefer the clean flowing water no matter who you are, why not learn from this, and realize that when humans too are pure they will taste far better, symbolically speaking, instead of always complaining this cant be done and that cant be done or listening to some buffoon lecture about how mans lower nature cant ever be overcome, if you want the truth about life then look at nature, all that is pure you naturally love and enjoy, other creatures might not but that is their own business, but it is in your nature to. Even though some people refuse to follow theirs. But they will suffer soon enough from this terrible mistake. The evidence is everythwere.
Look at whats in your nature, you like hearing that you will enjoy peace and freedom, will be safe, and will be loved and respected, that you will be living amongst people who can be trusted, a place where everythings great, all people instinctively want to believe this even if it is only for a moment, before some of them run back into their fantasy land complaining, “it cant be acheived, its hopeless”. But if only they could see things from another point of view, we might actually get somewhere in fixing the problems earth, human society has
Do you see how narrow minded some people are at times, they cant achieve the things they want, but because they prefer lies over truth. Some dont even believe it is possible to create the ideal society, even though their hearts and minds are telling them it is. Some are afraid of themselves and others, this is moral cowardice but they wont hear of it. “Of course not, we are brave, noble and virtous, and have been taught the right thing!” they will say. But if only it were true, if only people were truly brave on a grand scale, we should see vast improvements, instead we see societies torn apart by things like greed and hate, which is the work of cowards, even insects can work together more effectively.
Human civilizations presently are far from ideal. Sadly however, most people prefer being tutored by simple minded fools who encourage everyones fear, decay & stagnation unwittingly, whilst waving their philosophy around naively as some saviour of mankind. With this level of subordination, man may take thousands of years to change the world for the best. Man must decide who and what to follow, and there are dire consequences should he choose unwisely. He will enjoy freedom, but what a hideous, terrible kind of freedom he will endure.