Voice chat with me

Well, that certainly looks correct, but I couldn’t grab it on my phone without the embed function.

I forget to throw in my best Greek accent in my lowest register.



No good deed goes unpunished. Happy to be on the positive side of that equation.

That’s not Nat’s voice…her voice was squeaky.
Like a little mouse trapped in a pedophile’s rat trap.

ephebophile trap.

Like a satyr who sends her a picture of his dick before accusing the guy who’s fucking her (like he wishes he could be doing), of being a pedophile.

Achilles and Hector, remember sweet heart?

Go kill yourself already.

Gods, harness your powers for your wrath will bring no new powers.

Are you certain? What about my being Trixie? Am I impersonating anyone else?

Never heard Trixie’s voice.

So you think Trixie was a woman?

There is nothing to do with this despicable subhuman waste than make an example outta him. And I pity anyone who associates with him for any other reason. This guy is more of a woman than you’ll ever be, darling.

Keep your eye on her. She’s losing strength, confidence, is in over her head, and picked a fight (again) with the wrong guy. All she has left is her the hope that I won’t turn her into more of a jackass in front of everyone.

Fuck me why am I even here? I need to join a club or hit the bars or something. I can’t do this forum shit for the rest of life.

Honesty is the best policy. Down with hypocrisy!

“did this pathetic moron really send dick pictures to women???”

To the 16 or 17 year old Natalie when she wuz with me.

Next will come the ‘who’s dick is bigger’ to distract from the hipocrit’s calling me a pedophile.

But I ain’t worried about my dick size, neither is phoneutria.

Achilles scores another. I’ll let this worm lick my balls if he’d like. I know he’s dying to.

Not really.
But who knows?
Who cares, at this point?

Don’t get scared now, peaches. Little late for that.

cracks knuckles

I remember there being another scuttlebutt, another female poster, who claimed to have had received lewd photos from Satyr.

Satyr, did you send X rated photos to female posters?

It always saddens me when “men” defile a women’s privacy as if she were a tawdry toy passed around.

“Not really.
But who knows?
Who cares, at this point?”

You care asswipe, because you’ve written entire essays about the person before. Don’t act disinterested now.

Or are you just spent? I fuckin warned ya, buddy. You got the wrong guy and the wrong weight class.

Only if they ask me to, and they send me one first.
Many women had the hots for me, over the years. My brain…not my body.
I only talked with smart ones. Not necessarily hot…smart.

I met two in person. With one I went to Greece in the summer of 2004…one came to my wedding.

There are essays about Trixie? Link please.

Wendy, darling. The point is not that he sent nude photos to someone. People do that all the time and there is nothing wrong with that.

The point is that he’s a dirty fucking weasel who’s constantly lying or trying to embarrass someone. But he picked the wrong one again. Numbnutts didn’t learn his lesson the last time we did this.