Want to go to Mars?

Anyone think that within my lifetime (im 21 now) that i might be afforded the chance go to mars on a privatley run spacecraft?

Saturn even?

The pictures that the Cassini-Huygens probe as well as the Mars rovers have returned are trley breathtaking if you ask me.

Well, there’s supposably a plan in motion to land a manned space craft on Mars with in the next ten years (Or is it fifteen?). So, its possible that the fifties-esque fantasy of a permenant Martian settlement may actually happen with in our lifetimes.

I couldn’t guess whether or not you will ever get a chance to visit the planet in person, but I wouldn’t call it impossible.

i don’t think its impossible, generally speaking. but if you’re poor, its definitely going to be impossible. :sunglasses:

Being able to go to Mars on a private spacecraft within our lifetime may be possible… New propulsion technologies need to be conceived first, however, but these are being worked on.

Saturn on the other hand, may not ever be visited by humans. The gravity is very strong and the entire planet, just about, is gas. Not to mention, it’s extremely far away. One of Jupiter’s or Saturns moons would be a far greater possibility.

Maybe just let Mars come to you instead, I think that would be easier :laughing:

it takes too long to go to saturn anyway, I think I have better things to do…


To put the first man on Mars we need to make sure he gets through his journey healthy. There is a lot of research needed and we are not close to it yet. I heard only once every ten years or so, there is a time window when Mars missions can be launched (due the distance between earth and Mars). So maybe in 20-40 years we could do it. Add up a decades one or two to make it routine. And according to this optimistic schedule, you could go if you stay in good shape and saved some money for it.

Best wishes, Frighter.

anti-matter and nano technology I believe are more important in finding a way for people of today to visit Mars. By learning all we can about the energy we can get out of anti-matter, we may then make trips to mars with ease. As for the healthy part, nano technology is real, and if they can get it to be more efficient and productive, heck even death itself might be a thing of the past.

hah eliminating death? you mean like in jason x where the nanos rebuilt body parts? the only problem i have with that is when your brain starts to go. is replacing parts of your brain going to “kill” you or will the ability to recreate parts of a brain and eventually all of it work?

I assume a Mars settlement is more practical because of more lighting, compared to the Moon?

As far as going there privately in our lifetime, I would say very feasable, but VERY expensive. Not going underneath double digits in the millions, but who knows. Going to Saturn in a manned spacecraft, naw.

the trick would be creating reusable spacecrafts and building a station on the moon or in space to launch future missions off of. both of which are being worked on now its just a matter of time money and man power which no one is willing to invest. its such a cool frontier i dont know why no one cares about it anymore.

By the time they can do that, people will probably have microchips or some sort of device which can store memory etc. Also by the time such nano technology exists, it won’t be till at least past our grandsons that all the legal issues will be delt with. Basically I find it hard to believe that anytime soon (centuries away) that death won’t be an issue.

It is a great frontier but it still lacks practicality due to costs and benefits.