Is there anybody out there who’s proud of being a White Anglo Saxon Protestant?

er, why? whats so great about it?

Protestanism has had its fair share of evil doing, mostly in its own creation which resulted in the desecration of countless monestaries and libraries. Also, Puritans are almost as famous as the Spanish Inquisition for being harsh to all and sunder. The whole religion is a negative one of course, being one of protest and that, they’re just rebel Catholics really.

There are no real anglo-saxons left as far as i know, everyone is far too mixed up since the normandy invasion, etc. Also, last time I checked the spelling was England not Angland and Saxony is unheard of. Strange pride.

As for being white… uh. Is there something particularly great about being more susceptible to skin cancer and heat stroke that ive missed?

Whats this about btw?


Do you mean anybody outside the current administration?


I take pride in only those things I do directly and that i feel warrant a sense of pride. All others, to me, seem misplaced to such a degree as being false.

Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn’t the Stoics feel the same?

what’s this all about? Of late I have been beseiged by angry white protestants who want to tell how damn great it is to be a white protestant. I almost came to blows with a father of a boy in my kung fu class over hispanic culture and such. he continued to call it “dirty” and said there was no culture - so I buried his ass in the facts Borges, Cortazar, Sor Juana, Piazolla, the cathedral in Mexico City, The basilica to the Virgin of Guadelupe. I was pissed. he was literally insulting my friends - my best man is from mexico (he even lives there now), so you can imagine. I had a protestant preacher the other day launch into the America is a christian nation bullshit. I confronted an old yankee who had painted “if you don’t support President Bush, you support the terrorists” omn his car. I walked up to him and said “I voted for Kerry and I don’t support the terrorists. Fuck You.” He said something about how my mother raised an idiot. I called him a barely literate yankee and told him to go the fuck back home and walked off.

Sometimes I just get to thinking that white people really are a virus, trying to destroy anything that is foreign or unknown.

Come here to my world in norte tejas (North Texas). You can’t spit without getting slapped for hitting at least two.

The only place worse that I know is just north of here in our north bull pasture. It’s oh kay, but barely.

BTW if you ever need to get your blood pressure up pick up a copy of the Daily Oklahoman. You’ll need to get your glasses covered with anti ignorance film or you’ll go blind.

White people are people like any others. Their ideas are viral, as all information is viral; some of their ideas happen to be both viral and harmful to the peaceful coexistence of all people. Such ideas are not exclusive to white people, nor are they shared by all (or even most) white people. You have had bad experiences with a sample of white people that is too small to make such generalizations. Come on up to DC and I’ll buy you a beer and we can talk about what idiots [insert names of one white and one non-white person here] are.

I’m proud to be human the most advanced species on this planet
But I’m ashamed to even be related to anyone who believes one race above another I myself am of many races

I grew up in Fort Worth. I well know the folks that live up there.

I think Blackie Lawless is…


This is unfortunate, Hermes. Men should be judged by the content of their character, not the colour of their skin. It feels strange saying that as a white person, but it’s true.


Making ourselves large and important by making others unimportant and small isn’t exactly something new. It’s the #1 pastime in every culture worldwide since we crawled out of the mud.

I’m pleased that you believe that all men are created equal, but that is an ideal that we aren’t even close to acheiving yet. We pretend and posture, but tribal identity is still the dominant force in our world. It has to be or there would be no explanation for our recent election results or for the violence coming out of the Islamic worldview. I don’t even want to think about what’s happening in Africa.

All we can do is ask for rational behavior and confront the irrational. I’d like to think that this could be done in an organized -ie- powerful way, but the truth is that it can only be accomplished one-on-one.

Oh, on the confrontation part. It feel’s good to go off on someone’s thoughtlessness, but fuck you doesn’t change minds. :laughing: We want them to look at and feel ashamed of their irrationality, not respond with, fuck you too.