[size=120]To be a human being encompasses certain specific functions. Nothing more.
We have the sexual function.
What is called our instinctive functions. Blood flow, hair growth, all organ functions. Instinctive reactions.
Our moving function; any movement that needs to be learned.
Our emotional function.
Our intellectual function.
There is also a higher emotional and a higher intellectual function however, we never experience those working functions.
That’s it.
As humans we earn a living through;
the business or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment
the business or practice of providing instinctive services to another person in return for payment
the business or practice of providing moving services to another person in return for payment
the business or practice of providing emotional services to another person in return for payment
the business or practice of providing intellectual services to another person in return for payment
Obviously ALL of our functions & services are related and work together as we earn our livings.
But in a general sense we can categorize our main thrust of our functions and how those tools work together in making a living here on earth.
We are the Johns. We are Whores. In every sense of the word. In each of our days.
That’s where we are at. That’s who we are.
Why? Why is the sexual function or the ability to earn money for services provided by our sexual or instinctive functions looked down upon? Many times illegal.
A small group of individuals just committed the biggest crime, the biggest theft in the history of mankind, causing a world-wide economic crash. Not one of the initial perpetrators have been arrested. And they never will be.
Why are we so keen; so down on the instinctive and sex workers?
Why the stigma when we even suggest the concept or image of sex or an instinctive, natural pleasure? [/size]