We are what we pretend to be

A quote i came across whilst flicking through several Philosophical quotes.

[b]"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be. "

  • Kurt Vonnegut[/b]

I think this quote means that “we are only what we pretend to be”, we can never reveal “thyself” even to ourselfs but can only demonstrate what we think we are. We display what we are to ourselfs and to our companions, without ever being able to reveal who we “are” but rather only able to reveal an impression of what we really are or who we think we are.

I think the quote is open to many suggestions…so go ahead.

The ‘I’, is just the cumulative of the perceptions of an ever evolving and changing living creature. Trying to nail down all the traits and properties of what the ‘I’ is at this moment is futile, as it will be ever so slightly different the next, and the next.
The human tendancies of categorizing and grouping leads to sets of traits that describe the ‘I’ being mistaken for the ‘I’ itself.

Already you have gone straight off the topic. This is “mundane babble”, please stick to the quote mate.

this is waaaaaaaaay besides the point.

I think the quote has special relevance for this particular environment. This is an artificial world. We all wear the mask here. People cannot hear our voices nor see our faces. Here online we are whatever we pretend to be.


And yet some of us dare to be ourselves.

The keen observer can see through the mask, to him the mask is transparent. Even our pretense reveals something of our deeper natures. Of course, like they say in NA (narcotics anonymous) “Fake it till you make it”. :wink:


We are our masks, one worn beneath the other, and one below that, each becoming cruder and less polished as you go deeper. The quality of masks we make and wear, is dependent on how well we can copy, and how well we can blend. I think Dr. S.'s comment is fairly relevant to the quote. We go through life pretending to be one thing and the next. Look behind the wax and sequins and you will see nothing but cogs and gears and gremlins - all busily manufacturing a new face to speak through.

I’m a bit simple minded, and on a good day, even pragmatic. I’m with Dr S on this one, kinda sorta. The idea that we can say this is “me” ignores the fluidity of ourselves as a constantly changing ‘event’. Pretending? I don’t think so. Wearing a mask? Doubt that. That which is “me” changes constantly. What would appear as a mask is me at that moment. I can’t pretend. What appears as pretender is me - at that moment.

To see levels and layers is to ignore the immediacy and the momentariness of who and what we are. Actors on a stage? Only if we attempt to ‘freeze’ me, to make ‘me’ a static representation of this bag of bones and gobblygook. The ‘me’ who typed the first letter of this post isn’t the ‘me’ who will click submit.

What you see is what you get. Each and every moment.


What is that quote? If you look to hunt monsters then you might just become one.

Isn’t that from the favorite Mr. N?

The point is that if are looking to put up a front for the world then you might just find that facade stuck on your face. If you wish to show the world how tough you are then your personality might become callous, and so forth.