We Do Not have a Medical Pandemic

It was “Covid” of course…

I’m surprised you fell for this fraud.

was serious question

its serious answer, it was covid

you mean the china virus

sorry meant to say communist china plague

Real science can’t tell you what you ought to do, it can only tell you how dangerous something is.
Whether x amount of dangerous is worth losing y amount of socioeconomic freedoms over is always a matter of opinion.
The moment a scientist or politician throws an ought in there they’re not doing science, their opinion may be informed by science, but it’s not strictly science.
If they tell you it’s strictly science, they’re either confused or being disingenuous.
So even if the science is rock sold (which I don’t believe it is, not when you have thousands of doctors and scientists telling us it isn’t, not when the methodology and data is riddled with inconsistencies), what we should do about it, how many restrictions should be in place, will always be up for debate.
If we all drove the speed limit all the time, we may save more lives, doesn’t mean it’s worth it.
If the speed limit was lower, we may save more lives, doesn’t mean it’s worth it.
In some countries in Europe, there is no speed limit, or the speed limit is more recommendation than rule.

Do you want to live in a world of lockdowns, mandatory masks, restrictions on businesses, social distancing, testing, tracking and tracing, involuntary detainment and ankle monitors for the ‘sick’ and noncompliant, and what’s next, mandatory vaxxes, you need proof of vaxxination, barcode tattoos, RFID chips to leave home?
Do you want to live in China?
I don’t.
I don’t think any amount of dangerous is worth living in China over.
Do old people in nursing homes want to be trapped there, not able to go out and see their families?
Is that how they want to spend the last few years or months of their lives, in jail?

The Chinese government has been restricting, tracking and tracing its people in similar ways for decades, long before Covid.
They tell their people they have good reasons for doing so, but their reasons sound more like excuses to western ears.
We tend to think the Chinese government, and the financial elite within and behind it have selfish reasons for running a totalitarian state.
So an elite/government can have a lot to gain from totalitarianism, otherwise many governments wouldn’t have it.
Yet it doesn’t occur to many of us that our own elite/government might look at China and think to themselves: ‘gee, this looks nice, everyone does what they’re told, everything runs smoothly, no one asks questions, they work really hard, we know what everyone’s doing, what they’re up to’, that they might try to find ways to bring that style of governance over here.

Follow the buck, who benefits?
Government expands, freedom contracts.
Big business, especially pharma and tech, has tended to expand, small business has tended to contract.
People are tuning into the fear mongering media.

a lot of people have died from covid and there are lots of new cases every day just sayin

Now they’re telling us masks don’t just protect others from viruses, but they protect the wearer too.
So allegedly there’s even more reason to wear them, not less.
It seems whenever new evidence is discovered about things pertaining to Covid, it almost always points in the directions of more reasons for more restrictions, never less.
Interesting they couldn’t figure out masks also protect the wearer from viruses in the centuries we’ve been wearing them for medical reasons, they only just figured that out now.
It’s also interesting how multiple agendas: reducing CO2, smart cities, everything laid out in agenda 2030, trying to make populists look bad, are all benefitted by Covid.
Convenient, another one of life’s little curiosities.
Clearly they’re making this shit up as they go along, whatever fits the narrative.
We went all the way from masks are not only useless but dangerous at the start of the year to masks are not only not dangerous but they protect others, and the wearer from viruses by the end of the year.

We have whistleblowers telling us the PCR tests they’re basing their infection and death rates on don’t work, ‘89-94% false positives (of course it’s 89-94% false positives rather than 89-94% false negatives, conveniently exaggerating the infection and death rates), the rest false negatives’, yet they continue to use and base their infection and death rates on them.
Supposedly the trustworthy tests are seldom used because they take a lot longer to get results, but why should we trust these tests when the PCR tests don’t work, yet they continue using and basing their infection and death rates on them?
They’re probably fake too, the virus probably doesn’t even exist.
I’m not going to continue arguing over infection and death rates when their tests don’t even work.

Of course ThemTube muted half the video. :laughing:
Eventually they’ll take it down.
Big tech is illiberal and undemocratic, they’re technocrats.
They censor what they can’t refute.

You can find the uncensored video here:


Why censor her?
Even if she’s dead wrong, why not instead put links in controversial videos to articles and videos countering them?
That would do a lot for big tech’s credibility, but instead they resort to the illiberal and undemocratic practice of censorship.
It’s no longer YouTube, what you decide to put up there, what you think is right and true, it’s ThemTube.

Take a look at Belarus and Sweden.
Both have a population of about 10 million.
Assuming testing is accurate for the sake of argument, only about 900 have died with (not necessarily of) Covid in Belarus and 6000 in Sweden (see my thread Covid Hoax here in Current Events for why the words assuming and with are boldened).
That’s a crude mortality rate of 0.009% and 0.06% respectively.
Neither country locked down and Covid restrictions were minimal.

Where’s the plague?

They were telling us this was going to be the next Spanish flu, that if we didn’t lock down and impose draconian restrictions, about 1-5% of the pop were gong to die.
Not only did they miss the mark, but they missed it wildly, by 100s of times.
Come up with any excuses you want, but I can point to any country or region in the world and show you a crude motility rate dramatically less than 1%.
You can’t show me a crude mortality rate even close to 1%.
One of the highest is the US, about 200 thousand supposedly died with Covid.
That’s still less than 0.1% of the population and for comparison if I remember correctly influenza killed 80 thousand in 6 months alone last year.

So there you have it, never mind their models, the year is almost over, the data is now in, their own data, putting scrutinization of their methodology aside, proves the threat was exaggerated.

As I’ve said elsewhere, more old people were expected to get sicker and die this year than previous years, with or without a new virus, because 1 our population is growing, and 2 our population is aging, but don’t expect them to tell you that.
This year the oldest boomers turned 75.
For the first time more boomers are 65+ than under 65.
And there’s a reason why they’re called boomers, there’s a lot of them.


More scams of Scamdemic, same shit different day

And Twitter allowed him to post that? Strange. :confused:
They don’t allow anyone else - especially the President of the USA.