Weakness is strength??

True, the last inches, and then the escapade slows down , while the scape stretches out toward a micro, existential infinity, and strength is wasted on irrelevant projects, because the a final inside realizes he is trapped within a tiny. bubble, and although he thinks he is a Gulliver in lilliput, actually his mind scatters into a pointillistic formless being, where being most in the forest, that he can not see from the trees, with or without the aid of technology, he begins to see the periphery of the value of unoassable limits he will never be able to transcend…
He thinks going to another star system , becoming a cyborg will fit the new man, but the same limitations will decomission his bravery, because he resists the temptation of letting go any hint of his humanity, therefore abandoning the human form into pure robotic existence.

In fact, I had not read any corraborative material on this, until I found several philosophers and scientists predicting it. Elem Musk, for instance, states, that it is imperative that humans transform into cyborgs within two hundred years, or risk the prospect of becoming vastly superior robots making men into house-pets!

In all honesty, I had come upon this prediction without corraborative evidence, which kind of proves the existence of a-priori knowledge, on a more, or perhaps much more general field then what has been acknowledged so far.

And given that, is it not conceivable that cyborgs on a universal scale are already 'ouy there, perhaps invisible by virtue of a technology we ourselves possess?

…the process leading to the betterment of self, or potentially to the opposite of that… the latter and only other option being unfathomable/the awareness of human fragility, but without being able to reconcile it with ego.

How very Philip K Dick.

The technology of current artificial limbs (and other parts) probably stems from designing, and then ultimately building, cyborgs/cyborg parts… which has made being an amputee, in these current times, cool. Now ain’t that somethin/when being limbless is not a stigma anymore?

The mass consensus on AI taking over, is in the negative, according to the offices of national research and statistics, from around the world.

You, Meno, mix posts with poetic, like I… and some others do here, too. It means that some deciphering is necessary in order to reply wholly to posts, such as these. :wink:

Now comes the insufferable admission of lets say some kind of guilt in the respects You are considering them , Magsj.

In partita form but not necessarily separated, here is another lyric jewel.

here I am separating them, to show I can separate thought patterns even while apparently confusing them.

This is not in order to show some kind of metaphysical bravura, but an attempt to try to actually live thoughts.

And reconnect them, with the hope of not needing to recover them by reeling back to reference.

Now where was I? (Long gap while recovering initial thoughts made)…
…gasp…and folowwd by silence.

You too are able to appreciate lyric poetry…

Oh yes…but there IS method. to the madness. Its all methodically predetermined.

Omit parts you wish or find objectionable , not necessarily objective.

Here goes. The style which lacks communication to a preferred method has mechanical flaws.

Among them , and I have partially discussed these with Carleas. that in my limited problem with methods of using technology to communicate and some failures on account, appears at times an insurmountable venture.

Never could paraphrase is unconscionable , yet here am I just a man, after 3 years here, or more than that.

Apple tech, in their help centers could not, for I have never been able to get a real computer. So struggling more than ever, the eventual happened, and I dropped my phone. feeling double then triple damaged, I went through some mental solutions, followed by periods of decompression trying to find the key to this almost paradoxical.

Actually I’m not really shy to spell it out. It is both a.strength and a weakness that. I am able to open up about this because it conflated the personal and the impersonal in such extravagant severity that it makes my blood boil

It is this, and yet Philip Dick does come into the picture in the same hole, a lot of us are in, but a hole of possible reentry, where from we have been outside of before, but I decided the forces to be a drag .

Having gotten this far, I am kind of compelled to go on for the.above reasons given, I may not remember how to connect that HUGE glaring point, no , hole, whose solution may be aggravated by (I didn’t say solved) this technicality which is forth coming soon.

No I am not using these diversions to gain more attention, or devise the usual technic to a sustain some interest in writing to fill up the intervening pages between prologue and afterword,. No that should be. a viable intention though apparently still a questionable possibility.

Neither with th intention of taxing even the most imaginative consciousness

The flip flop of belief shows the tenacity of a dual purpose.

Bit here I am having invested a lot of time in an attempt.to get across, and Arc asked me very in my Being Here, what is it in trying to get across, or rather where do I want to go across to, and I implicitly thought, well through then doors, and maybe more than that, through The Doors: then other. side

So now I thought I have somehow favorably reduced the stigma of expanding on meaning through getting closer, by stretching literary style to its most utmost thinning of the reality of its fabric.

Since my phone was dropped, I am in a process of getting another one, but the original email under I registered here, and it’s password have been lost. So my basic fear is (and i went through this before, ) is well grounded, at least ofntje technical side.

Now comes the fear and stigma associated with the fear of the mundane and the note worthy, so that at least some part of it still implies a connection between fantasy and.the real.

Technical reality every one is ok with, and the congruence may at as one point be extended, who knows, even though , it most probably be written down as somewhat suspect to a naturally derived delusional trait, albeit probably somewhat affected, even if, it takes place at all.

So, new phone and all, trying to sign back on, may present a problem, irrespective of what Carleas’ opinion may have opened vistas of technical understanding.

He tried and seems to have downgraded my attempts at trying.to sign in. The first time I had accidentally, with the vast preponderance of the likely hood of recovering a certain pag, taking not less then a week to accomplish

It happened almost miraculously, perhaps with the help from uncertain sources from the higher realms, who knows.

Technology is at times quirky

So I am looking forward another bout with the depressive though of.reinventing the process by which I somewhat miraculously, but more probably was able to recover the page in question.

The bottom of Murphy-s Line, tempts me to not to refrain in asking the ultimate degrading question, - if all fails, can I re register using a different name and creating a new faux account: bit with the understanding that upon creating it, I can immediately disclose publicly of the identical equivalence between the two accounts?

I’m really reserved, so it makes me blush (kind of) revelations of admissions to such normally unreservedly long narrative, but times are reflexively compressed and fabricated nowedays, to actually succeed in showing the collisions taking place between proper / improper styles of communication, and perhaps the solution pretty much separating fact and.fiction is to see it from the hidden, deeply veiled hole.

Dostoevsky has been said to be.the most.clever thinkers of.all times, prefiguromg even Mr Nietzsche , for whom other influences can be.attributed, even though on the subliminal level.(Notes from Underground)

I found the Rumi-Nietzche connection on a whim, for instance, not by a chance of searching a particular chain between dots, or points , or, glaring holes.

Its likes waves, tidal at times , waning at others, but never intentionally ever sought

The solution: now that the technical aspects., of which more. Could be said, accepting.the whole, or even the Hole, even if it lands into the border between literal meaning and style and a suspected salad of trying to push the envelope.

Fear of the unknown is tempered by the knowledge that there is no bottomless pit, and the total disassociation may just be illusory, where illusion may just turn out to be just another device, without becoming devicive.

This attempt tries to overcome objections relating to moral considerations which are not directly connected to reality as " team’s but tend to merge with rationalization of dubious factality.~ fasticity ?

If, for some reason I can not continue, at least for a period of time, it merely means I could not find a way to sign in. If having read this far, any suggestions?


At this point my affect is quite diminished, feeling like some of those Vietnam Vets hanging around Veterans" Hospital with signs: like’ Vet , hungry and homeless ’ even-’ will work for food and shelter. ’

Gimme Shelter