Welcome Back Dr.S

I can think of no line more humorously fitting then ‘the prodigal son returns’ - Welcome back Dr.S; I cannot remember a time I have not found your posts either fun, witty or devious in one way or another.

Glad to be able to read some fresh material from you.


Ah - Some crouched beast creeps once more into the forums. Let’s give him a Mexican wave and a Columbian neck-tie.

Welcome back Dr. S. I expect ILP suicides to quickly double.


DrS is the most educated man, literally, among the logically faulty trio of ILP. The others being PoR and Saully, of course. They are explicitly providing the aspect of fun that is an attraction intrinsic to this place. All should interacting with them once in a while, for by doing so, we remain clearly in view as to what philosophy proper is. They are the means, the suitable pseudality, by which we remind ourselves of the profoundity, encompassion and solidity of philosophy proper.


In shorter words, these men you mention are examples of why philosophy is bullshit.

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

The “Web Pages That Suck” method of teaching philosophy, eh? Teaching good philosophy by looking at bad philosophy?

Philosophy is bullshit insofar as it lies below you. We all seek something superior, we men of decent will to power. The men I mention must be thoroughly, not fleetingly, bashed. In other words, their philosophy must be explicitly juxtaposed with their superiors, so that a delightful demarcation is identifiable. In this delight, we restore faith in the superior, because by affirming it we may feel superior intellectually. This feeling is encompassion, it is a powerful drive that leds to the creative end. Philosophy is a peice of artwork, shit is in the eyes of the beholder. Negation is not advisable under any circumstances, one should resist even thinking about negativity for more than one minute. Negation is essentially decreation. You people of high creativity cannot possibly take comfort, petty will or satisfaction in such desctructivity, which perhpas belongs to the property of the trio. We can do better, as thinkers and artists, we can throw out something grander and dearer.

You’re all wrong - I just like Dr. S cos he usually tells people to fuck off in no uncertain terms. ‘Wrong’, ‘right’ - relative, unsatisfying terms - but with a good ‘fuck-off’ you know exactly where you are.

Plus of course - He’s evil.

But in a nice way, he’s the Toys’R’us version of devilry.

Eh, hem… yes, well, welcome back nonetheless, Dr.S. Your posts have many uses, some of which I am quite fond and quite pleased to see once again. I am happy to see you return. [size=84]Keep on separating the men from the boys, so to speak.[/size]


he is back! really? i was actally planning to email him to come back one of these days…i love DrS!! he always finds a way to make us feel better…


Hello. I’m not sure what drew me back here, but it is the fresh batch of hardcore religionists that seem to keep my interest.

As a side note, I don’t usually check this forum. I stumbled on apon this post by freak accident.

freak accident…thats what they all say…

You’re a freak accident.

So, how have you been cutie-pie?

Sic em, boy! =D> It’s a moveable feast.