Currently in the US (and I’m sure elsewhere) it is illegal to interfere with a policeman clearly abusing citizens.
US police try out ear drum-busting
sound cannon on college students at block party
There are far more stories similar to the one sited as martial law gets instituted by controlled media and Homeland secret policing.
A few years back, the BBC ran a three part documentary on “The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom” wherein they exposed the 3 steps required to establish a dictatorial “god on Earth” (for those few paying attention).
I have already expressed what will fix it all. My challenge at this point is probably beyond me, but it would be to arranged that a few people see the solution and exactly why it would work - the CRH. Everything after that is just dominoes.
I’m not going to do shit about it. I’m old enough to remember when a story like this wouldn’t even make the papers. The “New World” is a lot better than the old one, when it comes to kids and cops. Back when i was a kid, some of those students would have gotten a real whooping, and it wouldn’t have been captured on camera. Of course, back then kids would have tolerated it better, as well.
Yep as is sycophancy, every socialist dictator throughout history has said the same thing, “You people NEED our protection. Ignore but report your parents if they are not obeying what We say. We are the GOOD guys! When We kill people it is for good reason.”
From what i have read and seen, it’s likely that the cops over-reacted in this case. I’m not sure how that ushers in a Brave New World. It looks more like cops over-reacting.
Bill Gates has stated that we need socialized medicine because Science has determined that we MUST reduce the population to around 100 million world wide immediately.
As far as I am concerned, allow me to participate in that open rational debate wherein logic is moderated (not “truth”), and I will go wherever it takes us.
Except for the fact that they not only knew days ahead of time that they were going to do that and had planned it, they participated in letting it get as routy as they could before their demonstration of force and intimidation.
And btw, Nazism is primarily based on open intimidation (hence the Hitler comment).
Are you suggesting that Bill Gates is behind a vast conspiracy to commit genocide in Africa in order to reduce the world population, and that he is going to do this by creating deadly drugs disguised as vaccines?
Emm… no, but frankly, it wouldn’t surprise me to find that out one day.
I’m more inclined to believe that the mandated vaccines will simply be used to ensure that the right people become more sterile, much like getting white boys to wear “tighty-whities”, oral sex, homosexuality, male hatred, and everything else thrown into society for the past 50 years because “We gotsta do suptm bout dim baby-boomers and over population - like NOW.”
The New World is a world by design, socially engineered, psychologically monitored, medically controlled, and ultimately subdued by the Apes for the Apes. “Comply or Die”
Somewhat Borgish in the long run… before it totally annihilates the homosapian anyway. In the mean time, it is just martial law, hidden cameras, and incurable diseases. Enjoy the ride.
Just goes to show what ridiculous conclusions we can infer from selective quotation. He probably said the words “i”, “am”, “a”, “genocidal” and “dictator” in his life too.
And his intentions were to bring one of the 4 factors to 0. He explicitly said population wasn’t the one - being only be reducable by 10 or 15% from 6.8 (British) billion. Which is still to around 6 billion. A fair way off zero - I think you’ll agree.
And that’s not even close to “around 100 million world wide immediately”… some more bullshit from the same guy as usual.
Who cares if there are Apes in charge as long as if whoever’s in charge, they give good orders. AND YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE A SYCOPHANT TO KNOW GOOD SUGGESTIONS WHEN YOU HEAR THEM.
There’s this fiction that runs throughout a lot of pissed of people’s ideals: that all hierarchical order is bad order because it’s universally bad to not be 100% in control of every single action you take, for 100% of the population. Hysteria.
As for the TED speech, this is his exact statement:
He is not being clear but he obviously means that vaccines, health care and reproductive health services would slow the rise in population from a projected 9 billion to 8.1 billion.
Eliminate doesn’t mean kill off. Just preventative of excess (presumably though not necessarily) unwanted children. And only presuming the 9 billion estimate is true anyway, when it might turn out to only be 8.1 billion anyway.
Having ANY of the Apes in charge is unnecessary and excessively foolish. But try to explain that to the Apes.
Using vaccines and health care to eliminate population growth?? Emm…
If he had said, “reproductive health services” alone, I wouldn’t have cared… but he didn’t.
If the consequences of foolishness are necessarily detrimental then this is necessarily bad.
We live in a culture of intolerance towards mistakes despite all the wisdom we may learn from them.