Well I'll be damned, I'm a Republican!

Actually, more specifically, I’ve been following Ron Paul’s campaign trail a little more closely, and I’ve for the first time fallen in love with a presidential candidate!

He seems like a very genuine guy, who isn’t trying to guess what the best move politically would be.

Your thoughts on Ron Paul or his campaign?




Really, nobody has anything to say about this candidate? I think he has some of the most controversial proposals I’ve ever heard, not the same old dribble as Hillary, Obama, Rudy, etc.

He wants to eliminate Department of Education, Department of Energy, IRS, etc., and the reasoning behind it sounds logical enough to me, but again, I’m no political science expert.

We’ve had numerous threads on this topic.

Rather than just saying ‘oh wow, look at this guy, isn’t he cool?’, try setting up a discussion by saying what policies or characteristics make you like this guy, and then inviting others to agree or disagree. So far all you’ve given are vague details and some youtube links.

Hellz yeah!

I’d like to root for Paul, but I don’t think he’s going to get much support in the primaries. He is the trouble child of the GOP family, after all.

Thank you for kindly bringing that to my attention. I’ll do my best, although for more detail, visit my links, you crazy “Zionist” doomsayer.

His arguments seem direct and simple enough. Anything the government gets involved in goes to shit. Technology over time has become cheaper because was developed in the open competitive market. Energy, however, keeps getting more expensive, because of the Department of Energy, and government debt tied up in it. Same with Health. Same with FEMA, who screws everything up.

We pour tons more money into the government now than we ever used to, and the only accomplishment is a quickly disappearing middle class. Health care hasn’t improved, and is more expensive than ever. Same with energy. Same with student loans. Inflation has run amock because we left the gold standard and print money we don’t actually have, causing the national debt to grow.

He is a constitutionalist, and believes in restoring the government’s power to a normal level. We have sacrificed one freedom after another to our government, and still have nothing good to show for it. He thinks 9/11 happened because of our military presence in the Middle East. He argues we brought it upon ourselves, and it can be avoided if we just stuck with the original words of the constitution. Instead of trying to invade and rebuild countries, simply trade and talk with them. Have open commerce. Don’t try to be a world police, and don’t try to force our ideals with others through the barrel of a gun.

I’m 22, and I think it should be noted that I’ve never been interested in politics or voting, ever. Every politician I’ve ever seen talking seems so phony to me that it wasn’t worth it. They all are playing the same circus act. Watching Ron Paul talk was like a breath of fresh air. To me he seems as genuine as they come. I mean, what dishonest person would run on a platform of giving the government and president LESS power if they had ill intentions? He truly believes what he preaches, and has remained consistent in his voting while he was in office. Opposed the Patriot Act, opposed the Iraq war, opposed any anti-gun legislation, and all from day one.

I’ve never registered to vote, or voted, but this will definitely be my first time. Although he doesn’t have much of a chance, he has the biggest online following of any candidate, and after watching him speak, I can easily see why. He’s absolutely captivating.

Yes . . .

Because Europe has a lower life expectancy, lower social mobility, and restricted access to services as compared to the US.

Oh, wait . . .

I don’t get it. :blush:

He’s saying it’s in fact the opposite.

I guess I don’t the point.

The logic is very simple actually. So simple it makes you think it can’t be simple, so you think you are missing something.

Reduce the size of government, and more money will flow in the free markets justly, there would be no socialized policies, less burocracy, less frequency of corrupt politicians,…and so on.

I support Ron Paul 100%. He’s the only reasonable choice if you actually watch the debates. He’s an old guy who’s ahead of his time…lol.