
would you rather rape a 7 year old girl or be raped by a 58 year old man with herpes?

would you rather have sex with a rotton piece of meat or a flaming rock?

what would you do if you woke up and somebody was sewn to you’re face?

Mexican Avalanche or Cambodian Creamsicle?

What would you do if you took a shit and in the toilet there were little people screaming?

what kind of dinosaur would you be?

58 year old raping me up the butt,
rotten piece of meat,
punch the sewn person,
tell them I’m their king.

1.totally find a way out of the situation. It is just an answer I can’t answer.
2.rotton piece of meat, dude, you are fucked up, where do you think of this shit.
3.I would try to get to know them, and if they where hot and single, have sex with them.
5. I would fish the turd out, and appologize, and probably build them a house out of legos, and let them live under my bed, and live in my room as long as they clean up after themselves when I am at school and work.
6. a turtle, which still exists. I am fascinated by turtles, they always beat the stupid rabbit.

yromemtnatsisrep, please do more of these, this might have been the most fun post I have ever done on ILP EVERRR!

would you rather rape a 7 year old girl or be raped by a 58 year old man with herpes?
Uh… I’d give the 58 year old guy the opportunity and then punch him in the balls before he started.
would you rather have sex with a rotton piece of meat or a flaming rock?
The meat.
what would you do if you woke up and somebody was sewn to you’re face?
Mexican Avalanche or Cambodian Creamsicle?
After looking these up on Urban Dictionary, I’d say the latter.
What would you do if you took a shit and in the toilet there were little people screaming?
Flush. And maybe laugh. But I’d be a little freaked out, so that’s only a “maybe.”
what kind of dinosaur would you be?
I’m told I would be a triceratops.


Both. I’m a masochist and after raping the 7 year old I’d like to be punished.

Both. I’d put the rotten meat on the flaming rock then after a few minutes I’d fuck it. I like my meat medium rare.

I’d sew in a zipper so I could put my tongue through then go back to bed.

Both (since there’s no panhandling I need both of them)

Take another one of those pills then jump in and save them

A Megasoaurustetrapolegegiusbronchialitusamphibiarecus. I like Irish names.

would you have sex with you’re mother in a variety of posistions in order to save her life?

would you rather shit out of you’r ear or pee out you’re nose?

what would you do if you woke up with a condom in you’r ass? would you tell anyone?

would you rather be smothered in cold coffee grinds or ketchup.

sneaky jellyfish or Dirty Scottsman

what would you do if you went to pentrate a women, and a mystical dragon came out of her vagina.

would you have sex with you’re mother in a variety of posistions in order to save her life?
Although I can’t even imagine any kind of scenario where that would be the case, I guess yes.
would you rather shit out of you’r ear or pee out you’re nose?
what would you do if you woke up with a condom in you’r ass? would you tell anyone?
I’d go to the cops and get it DNA’d.
would you rather be smothered in cold coffee grinds or ketchup.
Coffee (It smells good although I don’t like the taste.)
sneaky jellyfish or Dirty Scottsman
I can’t get a definition for sneaky jellyfish on Urban Dictionary so I won’t even touch this question.
what would you do if you went to pentrate a women, and a mystical dragon came out of her vagina.
Make a wish. Surely a mystical vagina dragon grants wishes, right?

Um yea OK see this one is totally male orientated so , boys have fun.

Cop out! :laughing:

As per usual, the patronising crap spews out of your mouth whenever you perceive a gender bias. Women can penetrate women, with fingers, tongues, toes, dildos, pieces of fruit and so on. Of course, you’d rather overlook this utterly obvious fact in favour of calling people ‘boys’ in order to try to insult them…

I don’t think Kris west was trying to insult boys. I think she was just stating the obvious, that she couldn’t relate as much to our humor, and she even said, “boys have fun” which I personally did not interpret as an insult, but more of a “carry on.” thats my take.

I can’t answer that but I can restate what I said earlier, what is wrong with you. I gotta wonder about someone who comes up with shit like that. How did you think of this shit. I couldn’t come up with this shit if I tried, nor would I like too. :laughing:

the nose, cleaning shit out of your ears with qtips seems like ultimate hell.

yeah, I’d tell someone. I’d go straight to the confession both, “father, I’ve been fucked.”

cold coffe grinds for sure. I like the smell of coffee though I don’t drink it much.

as long as the dirty scotsman isn’t wearing some bondage kilt, I guess, I’d have to suffer through it.

greet the mystical dragon, and ask for a free trip to boston.

Then why use the patronising ‘boys’?

She blundered, simple as. After reading months (indeed, hearing years) of this sort of stuff, whereby females try to isolate a behaviour as ‘male’ and then mock it, I’ve grown a little weary of it and my tolerance for such attitudes has waned.

Since when is “boys” patronizing? I thought it was merely an affirmation of gender.

thats true. however, I haven’t been on ILP as long and may not know peoples histories. But the term boys, could be playful or patronizing. Its hard for me at least to distinquish in a post with only words.

But I do agree with you that people should be able to be freely playful without being monitored or bashed on politically correct grounds. People have to be allowed to be unsensored sometimes and have fun.

kriswest is a girl!?!

Kriswest has been a girl for some time.

Of course, whereas I’ve been on ILP for ages, since before Kris even joined the site, and I’ve seen this attitude of patronising males via stereotyping their behaviour inaccurately literally dozens of times.

I’m not censoring here nor am I stopping her saying whatever she likes. I’m merely responding in like fashion by insulting her, to illustrate the ridiculousness of her comment. So be it.