We're back!

Dear ILP members,

Owing to a few server problems, ILP was down for a week while the technical issues were ironed out. Hopefully everything is back to normal now and we resume business as usual. Thanks for your patience and for sticking with us during this time.

Happy Posting!


glad to see you back.

Homo Mysticus

I really missed ILP while it was gone. Good to see things back to normal.

You never know quite how addicted you are…

until you cannot get your fix :imp:

But in all sincerity, thank you ben. :smiley:

I mourned the loss of ILP…but now I’m happy again! :smiley:

thank god, i was beginning to twitch.

Thank god- I think I was starting to go insane from forum withdrawal! This should ease the compulsion to write constantly… I’m sure there are some who will be breathing a long sigh of relief! :wink:

I’m so very happy!