Were the Hellenes men or

…something greater? Was the typical Hellene actually an ignorant species of overman? Man is something to be overcome, but were the Hellenes something to overcome? This ancient people who invented tragedy, embraced tragedy- weren’t they rather a completely impressive pinnacle in that corner of mankind’s history? I’m not saying we must go back to these Ancient Greeks, but rather that we should strive to be beyond them, as they were but emancipated from ignorance. That is truly the realm of our overman’s luxury, our overman’s peace.

still talking to yourself, Impious?

you’re Impious, aren’t you?

We called themselves Hellenes, and we call them Greeks… They were just folks, and as just folks they are showing us how wealth can screw up a society… They may have invented tragedy as we know it, but we are living it every single day…

One things for sure, any of our drugged up super-athletes could beat these real “men” in a race.

No. And I think we should be careful to accept their own accounts of their greatness unthinkingly.

They were at least as stupid as us, and hardly more so…

I’m the forum member previously known as Impious, yes. But this is my new permanent login.