Were you ever given funny advice about your period?

Were you ever given funny advice about your period?

I haven’t gotten mine yet. I think it has something to do with my large penis being in the way.

:laughing: =D>

“Gobbo, it’s still wet… I advise you to let your period dry a bit before showing it to me.”

“Sorry… I just ended the sentence right before I ran into you”

Have you?


There are many sites on the net that the responses might be more helpful than ILP. The profile here at ILP (which curiously you already know) is male therefore most likely unable to answer this question.

When you are a woman (perhaps a young girl) posting such questions on a site filled with (yes) intelligent (tho’ witty, sarcastic and endlessly-ready to-pounce-on-you) boys and men. you will never get any reasonable feedback. I question your motives anyway. I know that if I were to mention (say) my breasts, most men (okay not most - all) see it as a sexual reference and go south with it. Where is south?

Google “south” and you will get a tour of Atlanta. Go to the urbandictionary.com and type in period, vagina, sex, or “south” and you will get all the funky, graphic feedback you will ever need. Meanwhile, don’t waste your time with questions like that here unless you want jokes or flirting - of course if that is why you posted it… you will be pleasantly surprised.

Also, when in doubt, here is a good site:


I don’t see this as a sexual reference at all, but how big are they and if I were to bury my head between them would it disappear?

Probably. :confused:

Yes. Lots of times.

I’m not sure what kind of guy will find talking about menstration as a turn on. But then again, this world never ceases to amaze me.

I give a lot of advice to young girls about these things. The only thing I can give really is that if a young girl is having really bad cramps, I tell her to take a very hot bath and just lay in it.

well not about this.

bu i’ve heard mothers telling daughters that penises are actually dragons that will rip apart there vagina untill they get married then they turn bakc into penises

Kinda like Pillow Pants.

I guess this explains the fire coming out of my crotch from time to time. I was afrad I had just caught something.

all the fucking time, things like
1)use it at the end of a sentence
2)use it more instead of comma’s, they just make really long, run on sentences, that go on forever, and ever

The funny thing about your period is that it begins a sentence.

to all future dads or dads that are or will be raising a daughter by themselves here is some advice. do not be squeemish. She possibly will take shameless advantage over you and your wallet and your gullibility. Dads tend to run from this by throwing money at their daughter when hygiene and undergarments are mentioned and health problems. Get advice from a female relative or friend or a female OBGYN or an MD female or barring that a woman in your religious community a nun or coparishoner. Find out the costs involved and symptoms and all that you can. I know this, I took shamless advantage over my Dad until my mother’s sister and his sister explained life and daughters to him. From that point on his wallet was well regulated and he would not accept excuses for staying home from school, etc… And most definately take her to a woman doctor for checkups. Not a male Doctor. have some pity on her sensetivities too. girls won’t open up to men like that.