First, I think there needs to be made a distinction between rational and irrational fear. Phobias are irrational; other fears, such as, I’ve fallen into a snake pit and now I’m very afraid for my life are perfectly justified – these fears seem to be hard wired due to evolution. Still other fears such as psychological fears: I’m afraid people won’t like me, I’m afraid I won’t suceed, I’m afraid that my current philosophy is wrong, I’m afraid I don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m afraid of being alone ect., seem to be rational and serve a purpose. For example, they move us toward action. If lets say, I am afraid of being alone, I may go out and take action to meet someone. Therefore, some fears serve postive purposes. Other fears do not, such as the fear of being rejected. This fear, however, is due to what we do not understand. Once we understand what rejection is, once we examine it, we are no longer afraid of it.
Furthermore, we seem to cling to a certain amount of certainty and when something threatens that certainty we tend to fear it. We may fear death because we fear impermanence. Why? Because we don’t understand impermanence.
We may also fear rats – for a multitude of reasons – perhaps, it’s an evolutionary instinct, perhaps some movie that we saw as a child conditioned us to fear rats, perhaps we saw someone else afraid of rats so we justified that we too should have something to fear about rats. Yet, if we examine what it is that we are really afraid about rats, if we examine a rat, attempt to understand a rat, we no longer fear rats because we now understand rats – we move from our imagination to reality.
I think, the object of what we fear is the consequence of what we imagine an event, person/animal or thing to do. We fear this consequence because either we have had no exprience of this event and so fear what we do not understand, or have allready had exprience with an event, know the consequences which have been painful to us, and therefore have formed a fear of said event, thing/action.
As far as to what fear is, I think, It’s simple: Thought. Rational or irrational, it seems be all caused by thought. A baby is not afraid of heights, s/he has no concept of what it means to fall and die. But as the child grows older and begins to develop certain refrences from his or her personal exprience and as s/he learns about cause and effects, he or she develops fear. Fear is taught by what a childs parent’s fear and by what society seems to fear; hence, a child may develop irrational fears, such as the fear of going to hell when one dies. Yet fear is all in the mind. When we exprience a physiological reaction to the fear – our hearts begin to race, we sweat – this orginates from thought. My heart races when I speak infront of my class. Why? Unconsiously I am afraid of showing myself to others, I feel strained when others put so much attention on me, hence a physiological reaction.
Your opinions?
Edit: spelling, grammar.