What are you currently reading?

I am reading Henry D. Thoreau’s Walden. Its a beautiful little book, I adivise everyone to pick it up if you ever get the chance.

Just finished Kiss of the Spider Woman by Manuel Puig (a week later than planned) and I’m now reading sections from Haraway’s Primate Visions.

I’m reading “Six impossible things before breakfast.”

Which is nice.

Well, I’m working through Godel’s Theorem: An Incomplete Guide to Its Use and Abuse by Torkel Franzen.

But as I suspect of many of you, I also have bookmarks in a half-dozen other books at the moment.

“The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” Mark Twain


Currently working on re-reading “Fixing to die: A compassionate guide to Suicide and Staying Alive” (david lester), and “When Will Jesus Bring The Porkchops?” (George Carlin)

Both are awesome books.

Demon Haunted World - Carl Sagan :slight_smile:

Hmm… I wonder if anyone will admit they’ve a Mills&Boon bodice-ripper sequestered between the covers of the ‘Critique of pure Reason’ or whatever.

“And Immanuel’s arms, thickly corded with muscle, encircled her heaving torso with a tenderness at once startling and strangely intoxicatiıng… ‘I love you, you Kant!!!’ she breathed…”

guilty as charged! :laughing:

(shifty eyes, hiding ‘the very virile viking’) No comment.

Michael i took your advice and got some zizek - the one on causality and women in fiction - good so far. (I saw another chapter in a book by him called "taking Deleuze from behind" - which I’m looking forward to reading!!!)
Still on Difference and Repetition after 2 months - nearly through “the form of thought” chapter!
Enjoying spinoza’s Ethics and reading a bit of philip K Dick on the side

Spinoza= the love of my life.

I’m reading a book about neuroscience now, just finished Piaget’s Genetic Epistemology and I plan to read To Kill a Mockingbird for the second time.

the bourne supremacy

come on, i can’t be in the minority by not reading a philosophical book


Berty Russell.

Dark Demon by christine feehan.
hehe vamps hunters and sex - lovely read.

waiting for godot

very very nice indeed

i’m reading quite a few books but the one I’m most likely to pick up tonight is fear and loathing in las vegas- Hunter S. Thompson, for the ten thousandth time

Just remember, Sara…

I’m reading that today.

I’m stewing in the juice of Beckett, trying to unread him and also failing to finish ‘His Dark Materials’ trilogy, then perhaps some Eco, then perhaps ‘A Confederacy of Dunces’ and then to finish the cycle, ‘Watership Down’.