I’ll post mine tomorrow because I need to eat before I go to bed. Im going to bed at 10:00 on a saturday night.
Waking up in the hospital with one brain cell left.
being sad.
Losing my family.
spiders and cockroaches oh and drowning, that one is wierd becaue I used to be a AAA competition swimmer.
AAA competition swimmer? does that mean they’ll tow your submarine 100 miles?
Drowning is your number one fear? Do you think about it every day? Are you even by water?
Young republicans
LOL. I am kinda a young republican but I know what you mean.
Ever hear that one quote that said something like…
“If your not young and a Democrat you have no heart. If your not old and a Republican you have no brain.”
When I was younger, I had a fear of death.
involuntarily committing suicide
Losing my wife or family
spending eternity with religious idiots in the afterlife. (yes… heavan sound like hell to me )
I am often struck with an irrational fear that every woman around me somehow senses just how good I am in bed.
It haunts me.
I don’t think there’s a name for that fear yet.
Not being afraid
No, I don’t live near water( Swampy type of area yes, but that is different.). I don’t think about it every day only when I am near large bodies of water, pools lakes, rivers, the bay. never figured out why. I used to swim under water all the time and just plain swim, I used to scuba dive but, that fear was always present. Loved to swim but, was scared to death of drowning.
Go figure, its wierd I know but hey, we all have our Achilles heel.
Umm, sure, its a yellow one so that makes a difference.
claustrophobia/buried alive.
Waking up one morning and finding out that all of my teeth have fallen out during the night.
[size=85]I am sorry, was that a serious question? [/size]
You people have messed up fears.