Listem here! If you can detail them a little bit so we know what their about.
The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley (Great book that explains how evolution has shaped the planet)
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (Read the title. Should be mandatory reading for everyone on the planet)
The Prince by Machiavelli ("Controversial book about power in politics that shouldnt be controversial)
November 13, 2008, 3:22am
A Brief History of Time
The Physics of Superheroes
Creation: Life and How to Make It
The Book of Lists
2201 Fascinating Facts
The Top 10 of Everything 2007
Report to Greco: Kazantzakis
Conversations with Eckermann: Goethe
The story of civilization all 11 volumes: Durant
November 13, 2008, 5:55am
A Room of One’s Own - Virginia Woolf
Principia Ethica - G. E. Moore
The Affluent Society - John Kenneth Galbraith*
Ask me tomorrow, you’ll get 3 different ones.
Not my favourites, just 3 books I’ve read and recommend.
Time’s Arrow - Martin Amis
Island - Aldous Huxley
Trainspotting - Irvine Welsh
misread the question
(..a chic geek, de Grande-dame!)
November 16, 2008, 2:45am
How The Mind Works --Steven Pinker
The 48 Laws of Power --Robert Greene
The Periodic Table --Primo Levi
How The Mind Works --Steven Pinker
The 48 Laws of Power --Robert Greene
The Periodic Table --Primo Levi
Just out of curiosity…Have you read Robert Greenes 33 Strategies of War or Art of Seduction? What did you think?
(..a chic geek, de Grande-dame!)
November 16, 2008, 3:11am
…didn’t fancy reading the former, but read the latter, coz I’m a lover not a fighter
I was surprised at what others would do for a taste of love/to get their target - boredom + time = plotting against others for one’s own gain: be that love, money, power, resource… the usual remit of wants.
I did skim through The Art of War and saw nothing new there…
Hiroshima in America
Nietzsche bios
The Rise and fall of the 3rd reich