What breeds violence..?!

I was wondering what your take was on the social forces that perpetuate violence?!

life itself is violent


Ideology—one of the causes of violence.

Some runners up (maybe they could all go under the heading Ideology):


In other words, what Imp just said: life. :stuck_out_tongue:


Jealousy, greed, and what can disrupt your comfort zone.

Maybe the question is the wrong one?

Given the evidence, from the human world and the animal kingdom, it would seem that violence is the natural state.

So the ral question si: what makes us behave in a reasonably non-violent way most of the time?

fear of greater violence


All violent action is a dirivitive of some type of fear.

My philosophical ramblings in the rant forum going unnoticed.

Interesting that nobody said ‘Boredom’ yet.

Violence continues because it is an effective way for the individual or group to get a “desired” result. If the result of a person’s violent act was not what was “desired” then that person would not be violent.

Violence , however abhorent to some people, is and always has been a means to an end, and a very effective one.
Violence is pragmatic, and thus persists.

“All violent action is a dirivitive of some type of fear.”

I would have to completely disagree… I have wanted to hurt people in my life, and it was never out of fear. What about professional sports, or UFC, or martial arts tournaments, are those actions just a derivative of fear?

Are those even violence? Are we defining violence as any physical activity which can result in people getting hurt, or is there a psychological component too? For example, is pressing a button in an office violent, if the button denotates a bomb elsewhere that kills a bunch of people? Is playing football violent, if nobody desires to truly injure anybody else (just pretend), but occaisionally it happens anyway?

Ha! You’re the best!

I think in all cases, violence is the result of not being able to keep control. Why control cannot be kept or is not desired perhaps is different from person to person. Some exercise more control and others little or none. I think violence can be said to be of two kinds, physical and psychological. Psychological is where the person abuses by remaining silent, etc. The social factors that give rise to violence could be as many as there are people, for example - ego, arrogance, fear, abuse, depression (usually turns into violence against self), loss or losing, opportunity to dominate over the weak (as in the case of psychopaths), etcetera.