i dont belive in infinity. What created infinity you will say it was always there thats why its infinite and is called infinity. But I say then how come there is beginning and end to all things we see around each other. It cannot be infinity. Then again there is a counter arguement to mine but I’ll let you do that on your own.
Wow lately I’m going crazy cuz im haveing arguements and countrer arguements and so on and so forth with myself.
infinity is a big time cop out. the only time we ever see infinite is when our physics equations are insufficient. when you try to divide by zero, you look at the graph of all the possible things you can divide by, and there is an asymptote as the value you are dividing by approaches zero.
that might lead you to think that the answer to the question ‘what is 5 divided by 0?’ is infinite. but you would be quite wrong. there is no answer because the question doesnt make sense according to what we know about the unvierse. same with ‘what created the universe?’
i hate talking about this, its the one thing ive ever encountered that i dont have a satisfactory answer to. im sure its the only thing because i cant remember any other situation where im almost afraid of how impossible it is to figure this out. like if i cant figure it out, i cant be sure that some part of the answer wont leap out of nowhere and attack me.
I didn’t wrote my last post only to practise my verse. There is a reason in saying that infinity must be perceived as a multi-dimensional concept, a concept which applies to absolutely anything that you can think of. There is infinity in thesis and antithesis, which is exactly why you feel about arguments and counter arguments the way you do. Life is infinite in one way or another. Life lives forever in a single clocktick, if you decided to slow up your biological mentality together with your physicality. A second can be infinitely differentiated into infinity, just as an atom can be split into eventually into gauge bosons that don’t even possess any mass. Life is also infinite in the way that Nietzsche has proposed, in his doctrine of the eternal recurrance. Mathematics, to many people, demostrates the infinite nature of the universe. Infinity also defies duality, trinity and the like. Infinity promotes continuality, which is really, infinity in the vertical dimension that has chronical progression. To be strict though, we cannot divide or define infinity into or as several dimensions, because otherwise it contradicts continuality, which in turn would defy infinity.
The best explaination about infinity might well be that, infinity is the reason why philosophers can be fed by the virtue of their profession. Ask a nihilist, he’d hug you with tears and tell you that you’ve hit the jackpot of the infinitely pointless all. This is where I take the chance and say to Fabiano, that indeed my friend, life is what you make of it, nothing else, but if you say it’s something, then it is something.
Forget about 5/0, it can mean a million things depending in its applicational environment. aspacia, this is another example demostrating the symbolism of mathematics.
Let’s think about the function that goes for zero. Well firstly, it takes an infinity to actually reaches up to zero. Secondly, there is an infinity following zero, which is the numbers with the minus sign afront.
replace the word infinity with its definition. “it takes so many numbers that its not actually possible to write them all, no matter how long it takes, to actually reach up to zero, and thats how many follow it”
its not very helpful to consider that that is exactly how many numbers are there.
AAA!!! whered she come from???
the symbol infinity with regards to dividing by zero is only useful when you are talking about non-infinite answers. saying that theres an asymptote on that graph doesnt help you when trying to divide by zero, but when you are dividing by small, nonzero numbers, youll know that as the denominator approaches zero, the answers will get increasingly larger, indefinetely.
aying that the answer to 5/0 is infinite is totally meaningless. saying that a black hole and the big bang have infinite density, also meaningless, useless. saying that the universe was really frickin dense right after the big bang, useful. saying the universe is infinite years old simply means there is an error in our calculation. nothing in the real world is infinite.
I’m not sure how exactly do you mean, what I can do is to once more show you exactly what I mean.
Infinity in maths is recongnised as the arrival of functions such as 5/0 to their destination, which is zero. To put the application of that concept in a generall fashion: they never get to zero. But you know the way the pedants are, their will to power always have to come up with plausible and posh methods of explaining things. What a tragedy, for much mind have been waisted, frightened on and by it. Don’t be the hero of the play. And you know infinity is your only chance to bury Jesus, until you start to read Nietzsche that is.
okay, so there was a genetic mutation in a dinosaur during the ice age, and this became a dominant gene. so there is half a chicken chromosome in this one. now the baby has two chicken chromosomes and thus has become a chicken…its children are also dominated by this gene and become what we know as “chickens” today…
or perhaps christians would say that there was an Adam chicken and an Eve chicken who ate a forbidden peice of wheat…
Uniqor have you ever though that your fellow philosophers would understand you better and more clearly if you didn’t resort to mathematics to solve every problems and answer ever question.
As for Nietschze…I’m hoping you’ll grow out of that phase one day. Somehow out of all the philosophically inclined people I know I was the first one to disregard exsistentialism.
Syntactically, it was the chicken.
If you had asked, “Which came first: the egg or the chicken,” i would have said egg.
Also, “chicken” comes before “egg” in a descending alphabetical listing (i.e. A,B,C…Z)
if a chicken is defined a bird that lays eggs,… then the egg came first. For it couldn’t be a chicken unless it came from an egg. Or do you think that natural selections doesn’t happen,… and intelligent design means that everything just appeared from no where.
if a tree falls in the woods,… the animals would hear it. If no one is around to hear it,… then it still would give the qualities of sound, but wouldn’t be recieved as sound.