What came first...

I’ve developed a whole theory of language, working off generative anthropology, where evolutionary processes are combined with both Freudo-Lacanian psychoanalysis and economics. Firstly:

So excess libido is cathected, attached (What Zapffecalls “anchored”) to something like food as members of a tribe internally compete for it, or perhaps the right to breed- things like this. Eventually, the “value” or cathexis has begun to virally replicate and grow, until it becomes a holy object or sacred sight, the center of some kind of religious worship. It has transcended the level of ‘guy with the biggest stick gets it’: here we begin to invoke the symbolic function. We develop what I call an “ecotic network” to negotiate the value of these mimetically inflated objects:

This network forms a “chiasmus” at its center: a structure of up-down, sacred-profane, heaven-earth: the basis of the symbolic-function upon which the structured semiotic universe of our language rests:

Now here is the problem. This runaway cathexis of desire invokes the symbolic function, language emerges; but then language actually magnifies the desire even more through mimesis, in an accelerating bent. Technology and, eventually, the Internet, further accelerate the mimetic replication and eventual inflation of desire:

We are in the middle of this runaway process, beyond which nobody is prepared to see. Postmodernity, the current culture war, the total madness, confusion of gender, etc.- all that is a symptom of this inner transformation, and the end of it, the thing we are transforming into… is beyond any of us.

if the mind is not a concept like a hand is not a cup, and awareness goes away until it is needed, and so is not always about something (subsconscious/ground awareness… like a T-Rex that only sees when stuff moves…)… then… I can’t come back here until I have those other two papers written.

facebook.com/10000369670299 … 38253/?d=n

“What came first, the word or the ability to produce and/or comprehend it?”

This a recollection from a very recent thought, how recent? It could have occurred far in the past, or far in the future, and comprehension would vary accordingly, if so, then move fad enough away ( past or future( then a simultaniety would appear as a signal, between them.
The would not be hard wired, if that means a perfect linkage without any temporality between them could manifest.

Then, alpha and omega would become a closed sphere, and whatever consciousness could be supposed to 'exist in that sphere, could not escape or, be penetrated.

A double association / dissociation may occur, perhaps, progressively and/or regressively.as closure must occur at some point.

way to put the cookies on the bottom shelf :slight_smile:

Higher shelved ones become near impossible to see not to speak of being reachable, …
As a matter of opinion they may have been shelved in a past, at the same time.
Course falling , is always a concern.

Don’t look at me. Look at him.

I did , it was invisible in a red and green turned brown place. I thought for a second I was in hell but it was from a refiner’s fire’.

You know the Infinite Well :heart:

Yes, but not in the sense that most people associate with knowledge, but through my heart,
that gained some light from darkness.

The latter of course.

:slight_smile: Why am I just now seeing this?

Are you just gonna leave it like that without explaining your thinking?


Oh, it’s a different question.

shhh I’m watching a Christopher Nolan movie.

A clue in here tektonics.org/jesusclaims/trinitydefense.php

Wanna know why they don’t wanna call aminal language LANGUAGE? Cuz then they’d have to explain how it GOT THERE. DNA says: AwkWORD!

A word without a mind is a pretty mindless word :slight_smile:


If You mind, It matters, if I don’t mind it ; it doesen’t matter ~ one way or another.


Ok but what if I mind that it (something you do that I mind) doesn’t matter to you?

Also: Why do what doesn’t matter?

Lying to yourself.