What came first...

Very preliminary appearent melt , echoes of Ec ho , back to put future or back to back present past.

Violating house rules, no good, going along the program is.( present)

The original is never ascertainable for the most part, so they are thrown in an appearent repetitious over the incremental negative limit (within one imperceptible limit) so who can recover it ? Who? Or what?

It may rebound by It’s Self, into safety, but will be penalized.

That melts down is at times necessary, as a reactive effect between two states ( thermodynamics slide) to again , but this time safely out of bounds.

Incidentally no idea cause I played soccer picked up football lingo from John John grandson.

The hermeanutic tradition of conversion, is living proof being well and good as metaphor and becomes significant with a chorus singing: ‘art fir It’s Own sake’ determining similar frames of reference and hence determining it’s own representation.

With the digitalization of phenomenally ‘intuited’ forces appearent, say in Shakespeare’s Tempest, let’s see now how such recovery manifests never reason it.

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THE MEETING OF GOETHE AND HERDER in Strasbourg in 1770 was probably the most momentous encounter in the history of German literature, outranking even that of Goethe and Schiller in Weimar twenty-odd years later. By that time Goethe’s and Schiller’s literary paths were already converging in a new form of neoclassicism. But in 1770 Herder transformed the imagination of the twenty-one-year-old Goethe, released it from the frivolities of the rococo or the artificial constraints of an earlier, outmoded neoclassicism of French origin, and revealed to Goethe new and powerful sources of inspiration: the national heritage of German culture, embodied in history, folklore, folk song, and ballad, and the free, unfettered, original, but also profoundly “national” dramatic genius of Shakespeare. Herder’s own panegyric on Shakespeare appeared in its final version in his collection Von deutscher Art und Kunst in 1773; Goethe’s address Zum Schäkespears Tag (For Shakespeare’s Nameday) had already been delivered to a circle of like-minded enthusiasts on Goethe’s return to his native Frankfurt in the autumn of 1771. Inspired by Shakespeare, Goethe declares, he hesitated not a moment in renouncing the “regular” theater and casting off the “fetters” of the supposedly Aristotelian unities of action, time, and place. Shakespeare’s …"

See you. Started a storm with storm to go enthusiastically & try to connect with nominal gestures…

After all commitment is cincommittanf with fidelity and I hope can cross cross the web without unnecessarily acquired hindreance which spells at least a guilty conscience or somewhat.Nevertheless with now some ample time on my hands try to cram about 40 years of colonial temporal waste into a shortcutted/gutted - unproven post primary bad assurance of ingenious methods ( early promise( …sans in…the genii remains bottled up…

Its lot easier with 2 cyberheads now . though someday try to show how my friend be lived and passed gave me the clue.)


Actually for an assemblage it a collage to bad reassembled. it is a lit more challenging then deconstructing objectively. Mitigating the effects of residual inflation.
Is tell me myself, bro not to worry about it . limits need actual demons trative gestures to make sense …(.out of it)

I wasn’t going to post this. I mess around with ideas. Your bit on Gerthe (lol … !!!) & Shakespeare reminded me of it. Quality up top, but anyway. I’m embarrassing myself.

lol the reparations game in thought space… preborn… as if there are two realities inside womb versus out! same same

Tables will turn. Just wait longer.

No, 77 it was me, stupidly and if words had any meaning which they must. I dunno, it’s just that. And besides. Other things. It hurts only while it lasts. Then, I must leave you with that Other, whose imaginations are way beyond the comprehensible.and never say sorry or good by because that means forever.

I agree. It was definitely you.

Repair games are no mere games like trying to crack a prisoners’ code. Working through so much, that I could never describe, for want of other boundaries, and all this is so surprising that people would not realize what’s involved.How can one repair inequality? Indian people or Afro Americans. Or the terror and mental illness imposed by guys until political pressure brought to bear by many fractional/ factional cut off groups turned the tables?
How much did that cost before they managed to turn them in blood and guts and lives that didn’t matter; until some clever politician saw to changing the vector to benefit him in the next election?

But I hazard to stop with this litany of wrongs here in our country, for an effort not to tarnish the double edged blade from my own tears.for boundless fears.

Shout. Shout. Let it all out.

Lord have mercy.

How did we evolve mirror neurons and all other organs/systems facilitating/mediating communication if they require the existence of another mind?

More than one mind is first, or there is a timeless Original. Miracle, either way.

P.s. I am on the fence regarding biological evolution. The statement above is true w/ or w/o that - it merely maintains that the “mind” is not biologically evolved - no more than a sender or receiver cb radio evolves a signal. Thoughts?

You are partly on the right track. The earliest organic material was unisexed. It just split into two.

What happened between then and now is immaterial. Our brain is still bi, try two argue other wise, they two have their ‘singular’ opinions.


Not tri?

Nice try.

It’s um. Anyway.

'Theh just don’t want to admit that they are merely in converstation with themselves. This is the secret of enlightement, I mean entitlement. You are the book that’s written in it’s self: the author, the characters, the existential mirroring, the wboli illusive pantheistic Word, that needed God to write. Everything else is creating the illusion of time, of deoth , of being here, or there.

Blazers have been always been blazing, it’s just opening. a door to another world. Crystals formed under tremendous pressure, in some god forbidden realm, where giant black holes collided, to almost crash into another universal big bang, and the inconceivable of multitude of universes that edged toward a hairy race with the sacred rurtle, who know that there is no limit as to how small or they can climb on each other

Of course that astounding paradox is solved before or after THD WPRD when it becomes apoearent that ALL is VOID, Evan beget of energy, space, time or even the immeasurabilitu of a virtual point I am trying to make here

sure You’r not EC ?

And yet. Here I stand.

The ground is lava!

Here I dance! lol ok bye

We’re all Ec!

See, there is semblance Bateson that point-this, and this origin of all species, as all of it including in that point. That’s what the Word has to predates an idea before it, to signal the coming of phrases after which a closure is required , period.

If not all the mirrors in existence would be sense less.

How do you get from between to Bateson???

You legit need to proofread before posting.

The one is three. Mayhaps that’s why pi.

“with Reginald Punnett and Edith Saunders, and he and Punnett founded the Journal of Genetics in 1910. Bateson also coined the term “epistasis” to describe the genetic interaction of two independent loci.”

In other word, the entailment of probability , in synch with. near certainty, approaches the logically absolute certainty through it’s image of it’s apparent and paradoxical reverse.

This reversibility is a functional equivalent of basic changes of state, occurring in the paradigm of the uncertainty principle.

…though I may be wrong

The pi may BS the effect and not the cause, if differentiably reflected to that image/state.

I have much to learn (should I ever have the opportunity) about the interaction of different alleles contributing to a phenotype, and what constitutes irreducible complexity.

But being able to encode/decode implies another sender/receiver — it’s mutual production — in other words — timeless & indestructible.

Sure if intra/interphasing are mutually exclusive

What if they’re not, then how could that be proven? The miracle is Self subsistent within In It’s self through and for it’s self.

The ‘idea’ of transsubstantiation was implicit in the svolution of the three part brain/ mind