No they don’t, or they wouldn’t keep asking the damn question over and over again!
(Okay, once again, when I made that comment in my previous post, I was just trying to be FUNNY! What’s with you people?! Maybe it’s me, maybe I’m just not funny. Maybe that last sentence was too subtle. Maybe my humor is just obscure. Maybe it’s because I’m a girl. I don’t know. Oh well. At least my mom likes my humor.)
I don’t HAVE a homosexual mind! Why do you suddenly think I have a homosexual mind? (Not even remotely funny? Hell – I give up.)
Okay, to answer your question with a straight face (and I’m really struggling here not to laugh at the moment (oh come on, that one was at least “witty” – Jeez, you people are a tough audience!)), more than just a person’s mind is homosexual (duh!), and it’s caused by being a very little and idiosyncratically impressionable kid in a regular family of somewhat queer relationships. (Okay, that’s the best I can do right now.)
This person is clearly a homophobe struggling with his own views. He is searching for persons with a similar affliction to reinforce his own limited view.
Look at the guy’s first post and subsequent responses. He makes the generalized statement that homosexuality is regarded as evil. It’s apparent these are his own feelings.
Call it homo-aversion. I don’t really care - hate is hate. But then, you know all about that, now don’t you Sauwellios.
If I feel aversion to a homosexual, am I a hater? I reason conversely: I am repulsed by him, therefore he is repulsive!
Also, there are two kinds of hate: ressentiment, i.e., the hate that those above arouse in those below; and odium, the loathing that those below inspire in those above.
As for Dan, he often doesn’t make sense to me. But methinks he is looking at it from the perspective of a male who is aroused by Lesbians. Homosexual men turn him off; homosexual women turn him on. The English sitcom Coupling has a running gag about this. The person who shares this characteristic with Dan is turnt off whenever he sees a male body part (there should be only women in porn, in his opinion). I wonder whether homophobia - fear of those of the same sex - is not really the case here. Maybe Dan should watch some gay porn to test whether he is really hetero. According to Marilyn Manson, a man is gay if his “only purpose in life is to get girls pregnant so they can have more girls to have lesbian sex together.” I think there is some truth in this.
But I see - and I saw at once, of course - that you are implying I am small-minded; but it is precisely le largeur de coeur (I am sure you know some French) that is the bane of modernity: this tolerance, this weakness of will, incapable of exacting justice - of passing judgment -, afraid of whatever is merciless and uncompromising. And this is celebrated as a virtue today! Whereas it is precisely the lack of virtù, of fitness, of virtue in the Renaissance-style - in short of manliness (from the Latin vir, “male, man”).
I’m okay with some homosexuals - those of whom I wouldn’t have guessed it (I am not obsessed with other people’s sexual orientations) -; but let them stick to their own kind. I mean, a homosexual should be a homo-orientationi-sexual, someone who is not just attracted to people of the same sex, but also of the same sexual orientation… That’s something in which homos and heteros should be united: different orientations, that is, focusing on different sexes, but all on people of the same sexual orientation. Yet people of different sexual orientations, should, on the other hand, be allowed to love each other: for love is an affair of the heart, not of the crotch. Yet these are intimately related. But what modern man can, perhaps, do least of all is to observe distances without regarding differences as absolute. Thus different things are either thrown in the melting pot, where they are “all equal”, or they are separated metaphysically, as Heaven and Earth or good and evil… “Love” is good, whereas “lust” is evil (or sinful, or “immoral”)? Nay, the former is merely more spiritual, the latter, more physical (note the “more”: nothing is ever absolutely spiritual). But the modern is lacking in a Rank-Ordering of his desires; thence his identity crises, sexual ambiguity etc. Love is higher, yet lust more fundamental. And love often arouses lust. For it is beauty that inspires us, beauty which is the “descent of power into the visible sphere”, to speak with Nietzsche. We see our ideal reflected in what we love, even if we do not accurately know our ideal. Apollo’s imperative is “Know Thy Self!” - this means to know the Rank-Ordering of our desires, and in the first place to know our ideal. For what is it we do it all for? As long as that question is not answered, we are lost in the labyrinth.
Homosexuality is caused by the liking of the same sex’s organs in a sexual manner.
Does it really matter what causes it?
Someone is gay. Whether that is completely in their head, dna, or painted on the bathroom wall, s/he believes it. There is no convincing him/her otherwise, so what’s the point in questioning it? Get over it. They think that they are gay, so let them be gay! It doesn’t matter if something or nothing caused it.