What celebrity do you most look like?

If you had to pick one who would it be?

Im not that vein but I am 6’2" about 210 lbs. Decent build and square face. I also have a pretty similar buzz cut right now.

Or it should say “If you had to play the role of an actor in a movie who would it be?”

I’m told I look like John Lennon or his son (who also looks just like John Lennon).

Well, if the story of my life was ever to be made into a film, I’d want to be played by either Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman or Gilbert Gottfried. Sadly I imagine the latter would be most likely. =P~

Here’s a picture of me:


This is a picture of Brandon Flowers from The Killers. I don’t know if they are big enough to have true, “Celebrity,” status, but he looks almost exactly like me, or is it me that looks like him? I wish I could have found one of him grinning, but I invested all of the time (4 and a half minutes) into looking for one that I plan to.


No, it works. The similarities are uncanny.

I’m not as tall as model Chanel Iman, but I do look like her, only more Indian, but I am vain and I do like staring at my reflection way too much as is healthy for a human-being to do - a touch of narcissism perhaps! :confusion-shrug:

I’m also not as skinny as that! :smiley:

I generally find Indian women very physically attractive, but I do not believe that they generally age very well.

I think Italian women age best, maybe followed by African-American women.

I have a funny story about that.

I forget what magazine I was reading, but it just so happened that there was a picture of Brandon Flowers in it. Anyway, I was working at the hotel when I was approached by a guest and we had this conversation:

The guest inquired, “Are you seeing anyone?”

I responded, “Sure, I’m seeing you right now, but I’m not dating anyone.”

She became somewhat encouraged and said, “I know you can’t do anything at work, but do you want to exchange numbers so we can hang out sometime?”

I said, "I can’t, do you know why I am not dating anyone?

She obviously asked, “Why?”

“Because I’m married.”

“Damn,” said she, “That sucks because you’re hot!”

“Thanks,” I said, “So is Brandon Flowers.”

She became confused and asked, “Are you married and gay?”

I held up Brandon Flowers’ picture and said, “No, but if you think I’m hot then you must also think he’s hot.”

She laughed and said, “Well, maybe he’s single.”

Edit: If you listen to the song, “Tranquilize,” that is almost exactly how I sound when I sing, that is the way I sounded in the majority of the songs I wrote, anyway.

Oh that is more than debatable Pav! :evilfun:


I’m sorry, but it hard to debate when the debate is (on my end) based purely on personal experience and what I have seen on TV. Indian women age well to a point, I think. A forty year-old often looks like a twenty-year old, but it is when you get to that 50+ point that things seem to deteriorate quickly.

I dunno man, subcons got a lot of hot. Even if they ‘deteriorate quickly’ and that is debatable, I gotta say, even going down that slippery slope they have a long way to fall before they need worry. As a general rule of course, exceptions abound. But those exceptions aren’t hot even at their peak. I guess what I am trying to say is that sometimes Indian women are really hair and that can be problematic. But when they aren’t (or take care of it so I don’t know they have that problem), man!


I’m only part Indian guys, and so my stronger Carib genes dominate the Indian and French in me, which means I will age amazingly well and I am not hairy :laughing: but I know what you mean about Indian females being overly hairy Xunz.

people say I resemble a young Tom Cruise…

I’ve been told Prince William on occasion. I desperately hope this isn’t true.

Dead ringer for Ernest Hemingway

There are a ton of hot Indian chicks…and if by Carib you mean Caribbean, then I’d probably also like to stare at you in the mirror.

I’m 3/8ths Indian to be precise: 1/4 from my dad and 1/8th from my mum, about 1/8 French maybe more, and the rest is Carib: native to the Caribbean, yes… :banana-dreads:

There’d be a lot of staring going on then… :laughing:

someone once said David Byrne.

This woman would be one of those that if I saw her on the train or about town then I would be in love. She’s so beautiful it almost makes me weep…