I can add enlightenment to your disbelief
Thou shalt not steal.
Well, I slightly doubt that a first-century Jew named Jesus rose from the dead…
The meek shall not inherit the earth.
That an “all-good” God would eternally punish members of a rational species he created for not believing in His existence.
One year in hell should suffice.
So if God exists, He can lick my salty sac.
I can add truth about your enlightenment being your belief.
Can you proove that I’m lying ?
And now you want what ? Nobel Prize ?
Did anyone proved that His Physical resurrection is truth ?
This thread is retarded.
All Beliefs are Lie, by default, that includes Christian.
Words of Jesus Christ are the truth, the way, and the life, and until now,
nobody knew that, because of their death.
Give me one that is Not. =D>
You never seem to show up to those ones.
I guess that one is impossiable to prove. No DNA evidence will ever prove that one. Yet Jesus has been proven to be real.
I Jesus was God and he said he was God then he would either be a liar, crazy, or telling the truth. It has been figured out from this ideology.
I disagree that “Thou shalt not steal.”
Actually, heaven is a perfect place (utopia) and hell is the opposite. You choose your own destiny.
When you die and go to be judged. If you can’t let go of your worldly sin,… the Holy Spirit can’t heal your soul. And thus your stuck here in hell. A creation of your own means, without God’s help. “Rational thinkers” can’t look to other for help let alone God.
Well, I slightly doubt that a first-century Jew named Jesus rose from the dead…
If Jesus said he was God,… then he was…
- a liar
- crazy
- really was God.
A liar he wasn’t,… because he’d have been the anti-christ. And Christ fullfilled a thound phrophacies that only God could have foreseen.
Crazy. I think we all need what Jesus had. A crazy person is delerious, but Jesus obviously wasn’t becaus he spoke in metephores to transend language and understanding barriers.
3 ???
Crazy people speak in metaphors that transcend language all the time. If you doubt the power of crazy people… wrath shall be beset upon you.
I disagree that “Thou shalt not steal.”
If you steal it’s anarchey.
If you steal, it leaves me little reason to create. Thus fear is the only motivation you have to get me to create something for you to steal.
Wrong. If you steal, you steal. If the only way too support a family that is on the threshhold of dying is to steal, then by stealing you would be sinning. But wouldn’t it be a murderous thing to do not to steal and cause them to starve, and thus an even worse sin?
All Beliefs are Lie, by default, that includes Christian.
Words of Jesus Christ are the truth, the way, and the life, and until now,
nobody knew that, because of their death.
Lies are misconceptions of truths. Purposful lies have to have some truth in them to be believed.
Thus Jesus was the only person able to see the truth, and all others who give Christians a bad name are the ones who misconcieve truth. Did the Bible really promote slavery??? Well people who have slaves would say so. In fact, slaves of biblical times sold themselves into slavery to repay the debt they owed.
Crazy people speak in metaphors that transcend language all the time. If you doubt the power of crazy people… wrath shall be beset upon you.
Sanity is a question of your perception of reality. Jesus saw his own death, and was at peace with it. I guess he’s sainer then you and I because he saw more about his death then you can see.